--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ENHANCED] VFP 9.0 FIX - THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHARACTERS FOR THE APPLICATION SEARCH PATH January 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 1023, now the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 8191. 2. CAUSE: There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun40377a :: ; proc near push ebp ;0x0040377a : 55 mov ebp , esp ;0x0040377b : 8bec ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHARACTERS FOR THE APPLICATION SEARCH PATH ; November 2019 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 1023, ; now the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 8191. ; ; 2019/11/20, by ccb ; ; sub esp , 0408h ;0x0040377d : 81ec08040000 mov eax , 02008h ;0x0040377d : 81ec08040000 call Fun42c118 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data937090 ] ;0x00403783 : a190709300 push ebx ;0x00403788 : 53 push edi ;0x00403789 : 57 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHARACTERS FOR THE APPLICATION SEARCH PATH ; November 2019 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 1023, ; now the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 8191. ; ; 2019/11/20, by ccb ; ; pushd 0400h ;0x0040378a : 6800040000 ; pushd offset Data918f58 ;0x0040378f : 68588f9100 ; lea ebx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFBF8h ] ;0x00403794 : 8d9df8fbffff pushd 02000h ;0x0040378a : 6800040000 pushd offset Data918f58 ;0x0040378f : 68588f9100 lea ebx , dword ptr [ ebp - 02008h ] ;0x00403794 : 8d9df8fbffff mov dword ptr [ ebp - 4 ] , eax ;0x0040379a : 8945fc call Fun41513d ;0x0040379d : e89b190100 test eax , eax ;0x004037a2 : 85c0 je Label4037be ;0x004037a4 : 7418 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHARACTERS FOR THE APPLICATION SEARCH PATH ; November 2019 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 1023, ; now the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 8191. ; ; 2019/11/20, by ccb ; ; mov edx , 0400h ;0x004037a6 : ba00040000 mov edx , 02000h ;0x004037a6 : ba00040000 mov ecx , ebx ;0x004037ab : 8bcb call Fun41b81c ;0x004037ad : e86a800100 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHARACTERS FOR THE APPLICATION SEARCH PATH ; November 2019 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 1023, ; now the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 8191. ; ; 2019/11/20, by ccb ; ; mov dword ptr vfpa_searchpath_issearchpath,01h mov edi , offset Data935b20 ;0x004037b2 : bf205b9300 mov edx , ebx ;0x004037b7 : 8bd3 call Fun414b0d ;0x004037b9 : e84f130100 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHARACTERS FOR THE APPLICATION SEARCH PATH ; November 2019 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 1023, ; now the maximum number of characters for the application search path (from the MS-DOS environment variable PATH) is 8191. ; ; 2019/11/20, by ccb ; Label4037bd :: ; mov dword ptr vfpa_searchpath_issearchpath,00h Label4037be :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp - 4 ] ;0x004037be : 8b4dfc call Fun42bf1d ;0x004037c1 : e857870200 pop edi ;0x004037c6 : 5f pop ebx ;0x004037c7 : 5b leave ;0x004037c8 : c9 ret ;0x004037c9 : c3 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix100.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix103.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix287.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix354.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix355.asp 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |