-------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - OPEN FILE OR SAVE FILE DIALOG BOX January 2025 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: In vfp9 (and vfp8), when we use the Open File or Save File Dialog Box, it only displays the title bar on Windows 10 Insider Preview Version 1903 Build 18290. The bug only occurs in vfp8 and vfp9, it does not occur in vfp6 and vfp7. The bug was reported by George Popescu. Please refer to the picture openfile9.png: ![]() 2. CAUSE: There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Label81a2b5 :: push dword ptr [ ebp + 080h ] ;0x0081a2b5 : ffb580000000 call esi ;0x0081a2bb : ffd6 push eax ;0x0081a2bd : 50 call edi ;0x0081a2be : ffd7 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 120 ] ;0x0081a2c0 : 8b4578 sub eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 100 ] ;0x0081a2c3 : 2b4564 mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] ;0x0081a2c6 : 8b4d6c add eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 124 ] ;0x0081a2c9 : 03457c sub ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 96 ] ;0x0081a2cc : 2b4d60 pushd 015h ;0x0081a2cf : 6a15 xor edx , edx ;0x0081a2d1 : 33d2 push edx ;0x0081a2d3 : 52 push edx ;0x0081a2d4 : 52 push eax ;0x0081a2d5 : 50 push ecx ;0x0081a2d6 : 51 push edx ;0x0081a2d7 : 52 pushd 04h ;0x0081a2d8 : 6a04 push dword ptr [ ebp + 0198h ] ;0x0081a2da : ffb598010000 call esi ;0x0081a2e0 : ffd6 push eax ;0x0081a2e2 : 50 call ebx ;0x0081a2e3 : ffd3 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] ;0x0081a2e5 : 8d456c push eax ;0x0081a2e8 : 50 push dword ptr [ ebp + 080h ] ;0x0081a2e9 : ffb580000000 call edi ;0x0081a2ef : ffd7 ; ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - OPEN FILE OR SAVE FILE DIALOG BOX ; March 2019 ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; The Open File or Save File Dialog Box only displays the title bar on Windows 10 Insider Preview Version 1903 Build 18290. ; ; 2019/3/10, by ccb ; pushd 02h push dword ptr [ ebp + 0198h ] call esi test eax , eax je Label81a302 push eax call IsWindow test eax , eax je Label81a302 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 76 ] ;0x0081a2f1 : 8d454c push eax ;0x0081a2f4 : 50 pushd 02h ;0x0081a2f5 : 6a02 push dword ptr [ ebp + 0198h ] ;0x0081a2f7 : ffb598010000 call esi ;0x0081a2fd : ffd6 push eax ;0x0081a2ff : 50 call edi ;0x0081a300 : ffd7 Label81a302 :: mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 88 ] ;0x0081a302 : 8b4558 sub eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 112 ] ;0x0081a305 : 2b4570 pushd 016h ;0x0081a308 : 6a16 add eax , 041h ;0x0081a30a : 83c041 push eax ;0x0081a30d : 50 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x0081a30e : 8b4574 sub eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] ;0x0081a311 : 2b456c push eax ;0x0081a314 : 50 xor eax , eax ;0x0081a315 : 33c0 push eax ;0x0081a317 : 50 push eax ;0x0081a318 : 50 push eax ;0x0081a319 : 50 push dword ptr [ ebp + 080h ] ;0x0081a31a : ffb580000000 call ebx ;0x0081a320 : ffd3 Now in VFP Advanced, the Open File or Save File Dialog Box displays well on Windows 10 Insider Preview Version 1903 Build 18290. Please refer to the picture openfile.png: ![]() 4. APPLIES TO: VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR WINDOWS 10: The bug only occurs on Windows 10 Insider Preview Version 1903 Build 18290 (November 28, 2018), it does not occur on Windows 10 Version 1903 Build 18362 (April 4, 2019) or later, so recommend to upgrade to Windows 10 Version 1903 Build 18362 (April 4, 2019) or later. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com 2, profox.ro: http://www.profox.ro/Forum/tabid/55/forumid/3/threadid/49582/scope/posts/Default.aspx 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |