---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - VARCHAR(MAX) FIELDS IN SQL SERVER ARE MAPPED TO C(0) FIELDS January 2025 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: Microsoft has said for years that TEXT field type will be deprecated in SQL Server and VARCHAR(MAX) is the recommended replacement. But in vfp9, VARCHAR(MAX) fields in SQL Server are mapped to C(0) fields, so it always returns an empty string. The bug was reported by John Ryan. 2. CAUSE: There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun88a599 :: ; proc near push ebp ;0x0088a599 : 55 mov ebp , esp ;0x0088a59a : 8bec push ecx ;0x0088a59c : 51 push ebx ;0x0088a59d : 53 push esi ;0x0088a59e : 56 push edi ;0x0088a59f : 57 mov edi , ecx ;0x0088a5a0 : 8bf9 lea ecx , dword ptr [ ebp - 4 ] ;0x0088a5a2 : 8d4dfc imul edi , edi , 0158h ;0x0088a5a5 : 69ff58010000 push ecx ;0x0088a5ab : 51 xor ebx , ebx ;0x0088a5ac : 33db push ebx ;0x0088a5ae : 53 push ebx ;0x0088a5af : 53 push ebx ;0x0088a5b0 : 53 mov esi , eax ;0x0088a5b1 : 8bf0 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data93b94c ] ;0x0088a5b3 : a14cb99300 mov eax , dword ptr [eax] ;0x0088a5b8 : 8b00 pushd 06h ;0x0088a5ba : 6a06 push dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x0088a5bc : ff7508 push dword ptr [ edi + eax + 4 ] ;0x0088a5bf : ff740704 call dword ptr [ Data947b14 ] ;0x0088a5c3 : ff15147b9400 mov ecx , eax ;0x0088a5c9 : 8bc8 push ecx ;0x0088a5cb : 51 call Fun880072 ;0x0088a5cc : e8a15affff test eax , eax ;0x0088a5d1 : 85c0 jne Label88a660 ;0x0088a5d3 : 0f8587000000 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 4 ] ;0x0088a5d9 : 8b45fc lea ecx , dword ptr [ ebp - 4 ] ;0x0088a5dc : 8d4dfc push ecx ;0x0088a5df : 51 push ebx ;0x0088a5e0 : 53 push ebx ;0x0088a5e1 : 53 push ebx ;0x0088a5e2 : 53 mov dword ptr [ esi + 8 ] , eax ;0x0088a5e3 : 894608 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data93b94c ] ;0x0088a5e6 : a14cb99300 mov eax , dword ptr [eax] ;0x0088a5eb : 8b00 pushd 09h ;0x0088a5ed : 6a09 push dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x0088a5ef : ff7508 push dword ptr [ edi + eax + 4 ] ;0x0088a5f2 : ff740704 call dword ptr [ Data947b14 ] ;0x0088a5f6 : ff15147b9400 mov ecx , eax ;0x0088a5fc : 8bc8 push ecx ;0x0088a5fe : 51 call Fun880072 ;0x0088a5ff : e86e5affff test eax , eax ;0x0088a604 : 85c0 jne Label88a660 ;0x0088a606 : 7558 cmp dword ptr [ ebp - 4 ] , ebx ;0x0088a608 : 395dfc lea ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 10 ] ;0x0088a60b : 8d4d0a push ecx ;0x0088a60e : 51 setne al ;0x0088a60f : 0f95c0 xor al , byte ptr [ esi + 18 ] ;0x0088a612 : 324612 lea ecx , dword ptr [ esi + 16 ] ;0x0088a615 : 8d4e10 push ecx ;0x0088a618 : 51 and al , 01h ;0x0088a619 : 2401 xor byte ptr [ esi + 18 ] , al ;0x0088a61b : 304612 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data93b94c ] ;0x0088a61e : a14cb99300 mov eax , dword ptr [eax] ;0x0088a623 : 8b00 lea ecx , dword ptr [ esi + 12 ] ;0x0088a625 : 8d4e0c push ecx ;0x0088a628 : 51 add esi , 04h ;0x0088a629 : 83c604 push esi ;0x0088a62c : 56 lea ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 18 ] ;0x0088a62d : 8d4d12 push ecx ;0x0088a630 : 51 push dword ptr [ ebp + 16 ] ;0x0088a631 : ff7510 push dword ptr [ ebp + 12 ] ;0x0088a634 : ff750c push dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x0088a637 : ff7508 push dword ptr [ edi + eax + 4 ] ;0x0088a63a : ff740704 call dword ptr [ Data947ba4 ] ;0x0088a63e : ff15a47b9400 mov ecx , eax ;0x0088a644 : 8bc8 push ecx ;0x0088a646 : 51 call Fun880072 ;0x0088a647 : e8265affff test eax , eax ;0x0088a64c : 85c0 jne Label88a660 ;0x0088a64e : 7510 ; ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - VARCHAR(MAX) FIELDS IN SQL SERVER ARE MAPPED TO C(0) FIELDS ; September 2018 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, VARCHAR(MAX) fields in SQL Server are mapped to C(0) fields, ; VARBINARY(MAX) fields in SQL Server are mapped to Q(0) fields (CURSORSETPROP("MapBinary",.T.)) or Memo (Binary) fields (CURSORSETPROP("MapBinary",.F.)), ; XML fields in SQL Server are mapped to C(0) fields. ; In VFP Advanced, VARCHAR(MAX) fields in SQL Server are mapped to Memo fields, ; VARBINARY(MAX) fields in SQL Server are mapped to Blob fields (CURSORSETPROP("MapBinary",.T.)), General fields or Memo (Binary) fields (CURSORSETPROP("MapBinary",.F.)), ; XML fields in SQL Server are mapped to Memo fields. ; ; 2018/9/30, by ccb ; ; SQL_VARCHAR (12) cmp word ptr [esi] , 0Ch je Label88a650_varchar ; SQL_WVARCHAR (-9) cmp word ptr [esi] , 0FFF7h je Label88a650_nvarchar ; SQL_VARBINARY (-3) cmp word ptr [esi] , 0FFFDh je Label88a650_varbinary ; SQL_SS_XML (-152) cmp word ptr [esi] , 0FF68h je Label88a650_xml jmp Label88a650 Label88a650_varchar :: cmp dword ptr [esi+4] , 00h jne Label88a650 cmp dword ptr [esi+8] , 00h jne Label88a650 mov dword ptr [esi+4] , 07FFFFFFFh mov dword ptr [esi+8] , 07FFFFFFFh cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9135_data,00h je Label88a650 ; SQL_LONGVARCHAR (-1) mov word ptr [esi] , 0FFFFh jmp Label88a650 Label88a650_nvarchar :: cmp dword ptr [esi+4] , 00h jne Label88a650 cmp dword ptr [esi+8] , 00h jne Label88a650 mov dword ptr [esi+4] , 07FFFFFFFh mov dword ptr [esi+8] , 07FFFFFFFh cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9135_data,00h je Label88a650 ; SQL_WLONGVARCHAR (-10) mov word ptr [esi] , 0FFF6h jmp Label88a650 Label88a650_varbinary :: cmp dword ptr [esi+4] , 00h jne Label88a650 cmp dword ptr [esi+8] , 00h jne Label88a650 mov dword ptr [esi+4] , 07FFFFFFFh mov dword ptr [esi+8] , 07FFFFFFFh cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9136_data,00h je Label88a650 ; SQL_LONGVARBINARY (-4) mov word ptr [esi] , 0FFFCh jmp Label88a650 Label88a650_xml :: cmp dword ptr [esi+4] , 00h jne Label88a650 cmp dword ptr [esi+8] , 00h jne Label88a650 mov dword ptr [esi+4] , 03FFFFFFFh mov dword ptr [esi+8] , 03FFFFFFFh cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9137_data,00h je Label88a650 ; SQL_WLONGVARCHAR (-10) mov word ptr [esi] , 0FFF6h jmp Label88a650 Label88a650 :: mov esi , dword ptr [ ebp + 20 ] ;0x0088a650 : 8b7514 cmp esi , ebx ;0x0088a653 : 3bf3 je Label88a660 ;0x0088a655 : 7409 cmp word ptr [ ebp + 10 ] , bx ;0x0088a657 : 66395d0a setne al ;0x0088a65b : 0f95c0 mov dword ptr [esi] , eax ;0x0088a65e : 8906 Label88a660 :: pop edi ;0x0088a660 : 5f pop esi ;0x0088a661 : 5e mov ax , cx ;0x0088a662 : 668bc1 pop ebx ;0x0088a665 : 5b leave ;0x0088a666 : c9 ret 010h ;0x0088a667 : c21000 Now in VFP Advanced, VARCHAR(MAX) fields in SQL Server are mapped to Memo fields, VARBINARY(MAX) fields in SQL Server are mapped to Blob fields (CURSORSETPROP("MapBinary",.T.)), General fields or Memo (Binary) fields (CURSORSETPROP("MapBinary",.F.)), XML fields in SQL Server are mapped to Memo fields. 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix273.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix274.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix275.asp 2, foxite.com: https://www.foxite.com/archives/sql-varcharmax-vs-memo-0000433414.htm https://www.foxite.com/archives/warning-possible-bug-sql-server-0000239346.htm https://www.foxite.com/archives/sql-server-2008-varbinarymax-0000410009.htm 3, microsoft.com: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171931(v=sql.105).aspx https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ee9c97ea-0dfb-4337-877b-37db710885d5/refresh-function-and-recordrefresh-does-not-refresh-memo 4, tek-tips.com: https://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1776880 5, easysoft.com: https://www.easysoft.com/developer/languages/c/examples/ListDataTypes.html 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |