-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - CLEAN THE TEMPORARY PATH IN THE COMPILED EXECUTABLE FILES January 2025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), there is the temporary path in the compiled executable files. 2. CAUSE: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), for the following BUILD EXE command: CD c:\myapp BUILD PROJECT vctest.pjx FROM vctest.prg BUILD EXE vctest.exe FROM vctest.pjx vfp will compile c:\myapp\vctest.prg to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\vctest.fxp (now the main folder is the temporary path), and then save the content of C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\vctest.fxp to the field Object in the project file vctest.pjx, and then read data from the field Object in the project file vctest.pjx, and then write data to the executable file vctest.exe, so there is the temporary path in the compiled executable file (and the field Object in the project file). There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun6908c2 :: ; proc near mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data93757c ] ;0x006908c2 : 8b0d7c759300 push ebx ;0x006908c8 : 53 mov ebx , eax ;0x006908c9 : 8bd8 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0B68h ] ;0x006908cb : 8b83680b0000 imul eax , eax , 038h ;0x006908d1 : 6bc038 mov eax , dword ptr [ eax + ecx + 4 ] ;0x006908d4 : 8b440804 push esi ;0x006908d8 : 56 mov dword ptr [ ebx + 0B7Dh ] , eax ;0x006908d9 : 89837d0b0000 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0BA4h ] ;0x006908df : 8b83a40b0000 push edi ;0x006908e5 : 57 mov dword ptr [ ebx + 0B81h ] , eax ;0x006908e6 : 8983810b0000 push eax ;0x006908ec : 50 ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - CLEAN THE TEMPORARY PATH IN THE COMPILED EXECUTABLE FILES ; December 2023 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; Clean the temporary path in the compiled executable files. ; ; 2023/12/3, by ccb ; cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9141_data,00h je Label6908ed mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0BA4h ] push eax mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0BA0h ] push dword ptr [eax] call vfpa_cleantemppath Label6908ed :: mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0BA0h ] ;0x006908ed : 8b83a00b0000 push dword ptr [eax] ;0x006908f3 : ff30 call Fun6877ed ;0x006908f5 : e8f36effff mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0B68h ] ;0x006908fa : 8b83680b0000 mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data93757c ] ;0x00690900 : 8b0d7c759300 imul eax , eax , 038h ;0x00690906 : 6bc038 mov eax , dword ptr [ eax + ecx + 4 ] ;0x00690909 : 8b440804 mov dword ptr [ ebx + 0B79h ] , eax ;0x0069090d : 8983790b0000 movzx eax ,word ptr [ ebx + 0B75h ] ;0x00690913 : 0fb783750b0000 imul eax , eax , 019h ;0x0069091a : 6bc019 push eax ;0x0069091d : 50 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0B9Ch ] ;0x0069091e : 8b839c0b0000 push dword ptr [eax] ;0x00690924 : ff30 call Fun6877ed ;0x00690926 : e8c26effff lea esi , dword ptr [ ebx + 0B70h ] ;0x0069092b : 8db3700b0000 pushd 02h ;0x00690931 : 6a02 mov edx , offset Data92010c ;0x00690933 : ba0c019200 mov ecx , esi ;0x00690938 : 8bce call Fun42c19b ;0x0069093a : e85cb8d9ff mov edi , dword ptr [ ebx + 0810h ] ;0x0069093f : 8bbb10080000 test edi , edi ;0x00690945 : 85ff lea eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0B72h ] ;0x00690947 : 8d83720b0000 mov word ptr [ ebx + 0B73h ] , 0220h ;0x0069094d : 66c783730b00002002 mov byte ptr [eax] , 0FFh ;0x00690956 : c600ff je Label69095e ;0x00690959 : 7403 mov byte ptr [eax] , 0EEh ;0x0069095b : c600ee Label69095e :: cmp dword ptr [ ebx + 0814h ] , 00h ;0x0069095e : 83bb1408000000 je Label69096a ;0x00690965 : 7403 and byte ptr [eax] , 0FDh ;0x00690967 : 8020fd Label69096a :: mov eax , esi ;0x0069096a : 8bc6 call Fun548481 ;0x0069096c : e8107bebff test edi , edi ;0x00690971 : 85ff mov word ptr [ ebx + 0B97h ] , ax ;0x00690973 : 668983970b0000 je Label690983 ;0x0069097a : 7407 mov eax , esi ;0x0069097c : 8bc6 call Fun6da5ce ;0x0069097e : e84b9c0400 Label690983 :: mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0B68h ] ;0x00690983 : 8b83680b0000 mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data93757c ] ;0x00690989 : 8b0d7c759300 imul eax , eax , 038h ;0x0069098f : 6bc038 and dword ptr [ ecx + eax + 4 ] , 00h ;0x00690992 : 8364010400 pushd 029h ;0x00690997 : 6a29 push esi ;0x00690999 : 56 push dword ptr [ ebx + 0B68h ] ;0x0069099a : ffb3680b0000 call Fun431e4d ;0x006909a0 : e8a814daff pop edi ;0x006909a5 : 5f pop esi ;0x006909a6 : 5e pop ebx ;0x006909a7 : 5b ret ;0x006909a8 : c3 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix289.asp 2, microsoft.com: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/993c00e8-13ea-4074-8bd1-552a7dbea698/temporary-folder-in-vfp 3, foxite.com: https://www.foxite.com/archives/problems-with-windows-8-0000398088.htm https://www.foxite.com/archives/error-reading-file-0000415016.htm 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |