------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - ALL COMMANDS RESET THE OBJECT.NAME PROPERTY January 2025 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCB 1. BUG: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), the MODIFY FORM command will reset the Form.Name property to the name in the Name Table Index (NTI) if the name already exists in the Name Table Index (NTI), sometimes the Form.Name property value will be converted to uppercase. There is a test program: *PROC testmodifyformcommand form_lowername="aaa" && the variable name is the same as the Form.Name property value ("form_lowername"). MODIFY FORM testmodifyformcommand.scx && the Form.Name property value will be converted to uppercase ("FORM_LOWERNAME") in vfp9! RETURN * END OF PROC TESTMODIFYFORMCOMMAND. 2. CAUSE: There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun4bba2b :: ; proc near push ebp ;0x004bba2b : 55 lea ebp , dword ptr [ esp + 0FFFFFA60h ] ;0x004bba2c : 8dac2460faffff sub esp , 076Ch ;0x004bba33 : 81ec6c070000 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data937090 ] ;0x004bba39 : a190709300 or dword ptr [ ebp + 68 ] , 0FFFFFFFFh ;0x004bba3e : 834d44ff mov dword ptr [ ebp + 059Ch ] , eax ;0x004bba42 : 89859c050000 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data936d5c ] ;0x004bba48 : a15c6d9300 push ebx ;0x004bba4d : 53 push esi ;0x004bba4e : 56 mov esi , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004bba4f : 8bb5a8050000 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 48 ] , eax ;0x004bba55 : 894530 mov eax , dword ptr [ esi + 4 ] ;0x004bba58 : 8b4604 mov eax , dword ptr [eax] ;0x004bba5b : 8b00 mov ecx , dword ptr [eax] ;0x004bba5d : 8b08 push edi ;0x004bba5f : 57 xor edi , edi ;0x004bba60 : 33ff lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 120 ] ;0x004bba62 : 8d4578 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 84 ] , edi ;0x004bba65 : 897d54 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 100 ] , edi ;0x004bba68 : 897d64 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 76 ] , edi ;0x004bba6b : 897d4c mov dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] , edi ;0x004bba6e : 897d6c call Fun41975b ;0x004bba71 : e8e5dcf5ff mov edx , dword ptr [ esi + 8 ] ;0x004bba76 : 8b5608 mov dword ptr [ Data936d5c ] , 01h ;0x004bba79 : c7055c6d930001000000 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 96 ] , edi ;0x004bba83 : 897d60 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 92 ] , edi ;0x004bba86 : 897d5c call Fun43b5d5 ;0x004bba89 : e847fbf7ff mov dword ptr [ ebp + 80 ] , eax ;0x004bba8e : 894550 lea edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 56 ] ;0x004bba91 : 8d5538 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFED8h ] ;0x004bba94 : 8d85d8feffff call Fun42c27f ;0x004bba9a : e8e007f7ff push edi ;0x004bba9f : 57 push eax ;0x004bbaa0 : 50 call Fun42c2be ;0x004bbaa1 : e81808f7ff cmp eax , edi ;0x004bbaa6 : 3bc7 mov ebx , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004bbaa8 : 8b9da8050000 pop ecx ;0x004bbaae : 59 pop ecx ;0x004bbaaf : 59 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 104 ] , eax ;0x004bbab0 : 894568 jne Label4cbe11 ;0x004bbab3 : 0f8558030100 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 4 ] ;0x004bbab9 : 8b4304 mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebx + 28 ] ;0x004bbabc : 8b4b1c mov dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] , eax ;0x004bbabf : 894574 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 24 ] ;0x004bbac2 : 8b4318 add ecx , eax ;0x004bbac5 : 03c8 cmp eax , ecx ;0x004bbac7 : 3bc1 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 112 ] , eax ;0x004bbac9 : 894570 jnl Label4cbe11 ;0x004bbacc : 0f8d3f030100 jmp Label4c466d ;0x004bbad2 : e9968b0000 Label4c455b :: mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] ;0x004c455b : 8b456c mov dword ptr [ Data93cbd4 ] , eax ;0x004c455e : a3d4cb9300 mov eax , edi ;0x004c4563 : 8bc7 call Fun53c387 ;0x004c4565 : e81d7e0700 mov esi , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004c456a : 8bb5a8050000 add esi , 054h ;0x004c4570 : 83c654 mov eax , dword ptr [esi] ;0x004c4573 : 8b06 test eax , eax ;0x004c4575 : 85c0 je Label4c457e ;0x004c4577 : 7405 call Fun53c387 ;0x004c4579 : e8097e0700 Label4c457e :: mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9388dc ] ;0x004c457e : a1dc889300 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + eax + 48 ] ;0x004c4583 : 8b440330 test eax , eax ;0x004c4587 : 85c0 js Label4c1129 ;0x004c4589 : 0f889acbffff Label4c458f :: pushd 0E9h ;0x004c458f : 68e9000000 push dword ptr [ ebp + 05ACh ] ;0x004c4594 : ffb5ac050000 push edi ;0x004c459a : 57 call Fun43bc72 ;0x004c459b : e8d276f7ff cmp dword ptr [esi] , 00h ;0x004c45a0 : 833e00 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 64 ] , eax ;0x004c45a3 : 894540 je Label4c45c3 ;0x004c45a6 : 741b mov ecx , dword ptr [esi] ;0x004c45a8 : 8b0e call Fun4f17b1 ;0x004c45aa : e802d20200 mov ecx , dword ptr [esi] ;0x004c45af : 8b0e mov dword ptr [ ebp + 40 ] , eax ;0x004c45b1 : 894528 call Fun43b3af ;0x004c45b4 : e8f66df7ff cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 40 ] , 01h ;0x004c45b9 : 837d2801 je Label5df4dd ;0x004c45bd : 0f841aaf1100 Label4c45c3 :: mov ecx , edi ;0x004c45c3 : 8bcf call Fun4f17b1 ;0x004c45c5 : e8e7d10200 cmp eax , 01h ;0x004c45ca : 83f801 je Label5df4fa ;0x004c45cd : 0f8427af1100 mov ecx , edi ;0x004c45d3 : 8bcf call Fun43b3af ;0x004c45d5 : e8d56df7ff Label4c45da :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 64 ] ;0x004c45da : 8b4d40 xor esi , esi ;0x004c45dd : 33f6 cmp ecx , esi ;0x004c45df : 3bce jne Label5df506 ;0x004c45e1 : 0f851faf1100 cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 100 ] , esi ;0x004c45e7 : 397564 jne Label5df511 ;0x004c45ea : 0f8521af1100 Label4c45f0 :: mov dword ptr [ Data93cbd4 ] , esi ;0x004c45f0 : 8935d4cb9300 Label4c45f6 :: cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 100 ] , 00h ;0x004c45f6 : 837d6400 jne Label5df52e ;0x004c45fa : 0f852eaf1100 cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 80 ] , 04h ;0x004c4600 : 837d5004 jne Label4c4613 ;0x004c4604 : 750d mov esi , edi ;0x004c4606 : 8bf7 call Fun4c4bb0 ;0x004c4608 : e8a3050000 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 100 ] , eax ;0x004c460d : 894564 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] , edi ;0x004c4610 : 897d6c Label4c4613 :: cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 100 ] , 00h ;0x004c4613 : 837d6400 jne Label5df52e ;0x004c4617 : 0f8511af1100 Label4c461d :: mov esi , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004c461d : 8bb5a8050000 mov edx , dword ptr [ esi + 4 ] ;0x004c4623 : 8b5604 pushd 09h ;0x004c4626 : 6a09 call Fun42a5df ;0x004c4628 : e8b25ff6ff test eax , eax ;0x004c462d : 85c0 jne Label5df594 ;0x004c462f : 0f855faf1100 Label4c4635 :: xor eax , eax ;0x004c4635 : 33c0 cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 72 ] , eax ;0x004c4637 : 394548 jne Label4c4652 ;0x004c463a : 7516 cmp dword ptr [esi] , 01h ;0x004c463c : 833e01 jne Label4c4652 ;0x004c463f : 7511 push eax ;0x004c4641 : 50 push eax ;0x004c4642 : 50 push eax ;0x004c4643 : 50 push edi ;0x004c4644 : 57 pushd 022h ;0x004c4645 : 6a22 mov dword ptr [ esi + 56 ] , eax ;0x004c4647 : 894638 call Fun4f8b6c ;0x004c464a : e81d450300 add esp , 014h ;0x004c464f : 83c414 Label4c4652 :: mov ebx , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004c4652 : 8b9da8050000 Label4c4658 :: inc dword ptr [ ebp + 112 ] ;0x004c4658 : ff4570 inc dword ptr [ ebx + 32 ] ;0x004c465b : ff4320 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 28 ] ;0x004c465e : 8b431c add eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 24 ] ;0x004c4661 : 034318 cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 112 ] , eax ;0x004c4664 : 394570 jnl Label4cbe0f ;0x004c4667 : 0f8da2770000 Label4c466d :: mov edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 112 ] ;0x004c466d : 8b5570 mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x004c4670 : 8b4d74 xor esi , esi ;0x004c4673 : 33f6 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 72 ] , esi ;0x004c4675 : 897548 mov dword ptr [ ebx + 56 ] , esi ;0x004c4678 : 897338 call Fun434624 ;0x004c467b : e8a4fff6ff cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 100 ] , esi ;0x004c4680 : 397564 jne Label5df2ce ;0x004c4683 : 0f8545ac1100 Label4c4689 :: mov edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x004c4689 : 8b5574 pushd 040h ;0x004c468c : 6a40 pop ecx ;0x004c468e : 59 xor eax , eax ;0x004c468f : 33c0 lea edi , dword ptr [ ebp + 0288h ] ;0x004c4691 : 8dbd88020000 rep stosd ;0x004c4697 : f3ab pushd 03h ;0x004c4699 : 6a03 stosb ;0x004c469b : aa push esi ;0x004c469c : 56 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0288h ] ;0x004c469d : 8d8588020000 push eax ;0x004c46a3 : 50 mov ecx , 0100h ;0x004c46a4 : b900010000 call Fun42a569 ;0x004c46a9 : e8bb5ef6ff mov edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x004c46ae : 8b5574 pushd 04h ;0x004c46b1 : 6a04 call Fun42a5df ;0x004c46b3 : e8275ff6ff cmp eax , esi ;0x004c46b8 : 3bc6 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 88 ] , eax ;0x004c46ba : 894558 jne Label4bbd4c ;0x004c46bd : 0f858976ffff Label4c46c3 :: cmp dword ptr [ebx] , 01h ;0x004c46c3 : 833b01 jne Label4bbbdc ;0x004c46c6 : 0f851075ffff lea edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 44 ] ;0x004c46cc : 8d552c lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFF78h ] ;0x004c46cf : 8d8578ffffff call Fun42c27f ;0x004c46d5 : e8a57bf6ff push esi ;0x004c46da : 56 push eax ;0x004c46db : 50 call Fun42c2be ;0x004c46dc : e8dd7bf6ff mov ebx , eax ;0x004c46e1 : 8bd8 cmp ebx , esi ;0x004c46e3 : 3bde pop ecx ;0x004c46e5 : 59 pop ecx ;0x004c46e6 : 59 jne Label5df3a4 ;0x004c46e7 : 0f85b7ac1100 mov edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x004c46ed : 8b5574 pushd 040h ;0x004c46f0 : 6a40 pop ecx ;0x004c46f2 : 59 xor eax , eax ;0x004c46f3 : 33c0 lea edi , dword ptr [ ebp + 0180h ] ;0x004c46f5 : 8dbd80010000 rep stosd ;0x004c46fb : f3ab pushd 05h ;0x004c46fd : 6a05 stosb ;0x004c46ff : aa call Fun42a5df ;0x004c4700 : e8da5ef6ff test eax , eax ;0x004c4705 : 85c0 je Label4c4720 ;0x004c4707 : 7417 mov edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x004c4709 : 8b5574 pushd 05h ;0x004c470c : 6a05 push esi ;0x004c470e : 56 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0180h ] ;0x004c470f : 8d8580010000 push eax ;0x004c4715 : 50 mov ecx , 0100h ;0x004c4716 : b900010000 call Fun42a569 ;0x004c471b : e8495ef6ff Label4c4720 :: mov edi , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004c4720 : 8bbda8050000 push edi ;0x004c4726 : 57 call Fun4c4982 ;0x004c4727 : e856020000 mov cl , byte ptr [ ebp + 0180h ] ;0x004c472c : 8a8d80010000 push dword ptr [ edi + 8 ] ;0x004c4732 : ff7708 neg cl ;0x004c4735 : f6d9 lea edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0180h ] ;0x004c4737 : 8d9580010000 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 92 ] , eax ;0x004c473d : 89455c sbb ecx , ecx ;0x004c4740 : 1bc9 and ecx , edx ;0x004c4742 : 23ca push ecx ;0x004c4744 : 51 mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 88 ] ;0x004c4745 : 8b4d58 neg ecx ;0x004c4748 : f7d9 sbb ecx , ecx ;0x004c474a : 1bc9 lea edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0390h ] ;0x004c474c : 8d9590030000 and ecx , edx ;0x004c4752 : 23ca push ecx ;0x004c4754 : 51 lea ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0288h ] ;0x004c4755 : 8d8d88020000 push ecx ;0x004c475b : 51 push eax ;0x004c475c : 50 call Fun4c4a62 ;0x004c475d : e800030000 mov esi , eax ;0x004c4762 : 8bf0 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 96 ] , esi ;0x004c4764 : 897560 mov dword ptr [ edi + 12 ] , esi ;0x004c4767 : 89770c Label4c476a :: lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 44 ] ;0x004c476a : 8d452c push eax ;0x004c476d : 50 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFF78h ] ;0x004c476e : 8d8578ffffff call Fun42d200 ;0x004c4774 : e8878af6ff cmp ebx , 03D4h ;0x004c4779 : 81fbd4030000 je Label5df3ac ;0x004c477f : 0f8427ac1100 cmp ebx , 01A4h ;0x004c4785 : 81fba4010000 jnl Label5df3c3 ;0x004c478b : 0f8d32ac1100 Label4c4791 :: test ebx , ebx ;0x004c4791 : 85db jne Label5df3df ;0x004c4793 : 0f8546ac1100 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9388dc ] ;0x004c4799 : a1dc889300 lea edi , dword ptr [ esi + 4 * esi ] ;0x004c479e : 8d3cb6 shl edi , 05h ;0x004c47a1 : c1e705 xor ebx , ebx ;0x004c47a4 : 33db test byte ptr [ edi + eax + 51 ] , 080h ;0x004c47a6 : f644073380 jne Label5df3e6 ;0x004c47ab : 0f8535ac1100 Label4c47b1 :: mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9388dc ] ;0x004c47b1 : a1dc889300 cmp word ptr [ edi + eax + 16 ] , 0332h ;0x004c47b6 : 66817c07103203 je Label4bcc04 ;0x004c47bd : 0f844184ffff Label4c47c3 :: mov edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x004c47c3 : 8b5574 mov eax , esi ;0x004c47c6 : 8bc6 call Fun4c4b94 ;0x004c47c8 : e8c7030000 cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 92 ] , ebx ;0x004c47cd : 395d5c mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 112 ] ;0x004c47d0 : 8b4570 mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data9388dc ] ;0x004c47d3 : 8b0ddc889300 mov dword ptr [ edi + ecx + 088h ] , eax ;0x004c47d9 : 89840f88000000 je Label4c48a0 ;0x004c47e0 : 0f84ba000000 push dword ptr [ ebp + 92 ] ;0x004c47e6 : ff755c mov ebx , esi ;0x004c47e9 : 8bde call Fun4cdfb0 ;0x004c47eb : e8c0970000 test eax , eax ;0x004c47f0 : 85c0 je Label5df433 ;0x004c47f2 : 0f843bac1100 Label4c47f8 :: lea edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 60 ] ;0x004c47f8 : 8d553c lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFF28h ] ;0x004c47fb : 8d8528ffffff call Fun42c27f ;0x004c4801 : e8797af6ff pushd 00h ;0x004c4806 : 6a00 push eax ;0x004c4808 : 50 call Fun42c2be ;0x004c4809 : e8b07af6ff mov esi , dword ptr [ ebp + 96 ] ;0x004c480e : 8b7560 mov edi , eax ;0x004c4811 : 8bf8 test edi , edi ;0x004c4813 : 85ff pop ecx ;0x004c4815 : 59 pop ecx ;0x004c4816 : 59 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 104 ] , edi ;0x004c4817 : 897d68 jne Label4c487d ;0x004c481a : 7561 mov ebx , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004c481c : 8b9da8050000 ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - ALL COMMANDS RESET THE OBJECT.NAME PROPERTY ; April 2023 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, the MODIFY FORM command will reset the Form.Name property to the name in the Name Table Index (NTI) ; if the name already exists in the Name Table Index (NTI), ; sometimes the Form.Name property value will be converted to uppercase. ; In VFP Advanced, the MODIFY FORM command will not reset the Form.Name property. ; ; 2023/4/6, by ccb ; ; mov dword ptr vfpa_modifyform_ismodifyform,01h movzx eax , byte ptr [ ebx + 20 ] mov dword ptr vfpa_modifyform_isdoform,eax push dword ptr [ ebp + 92 ] ;0x004c4822 : ff755c mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebx + 8 ] ;0x004c4825 : 8b4b08 mov eax , esi ;0x004c4828 : 8bc6 call Fun4c4bd0 ;0x004c482a : e8a1030000 ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - ALL COMMANDS RESET THE OBJECT.NAME PROPERTY ; April 2023 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, the MODIFY FORM command will reset the Form.Name property to the name in the Name Table Index (NTI) ; if the name already exists in the Name Table Index (NTI), ; sometimes the Form.Name property value will be converted to uppercase. ; In VFP Advanced, the MODIFY FORM command will not reset the Form.Name property. ; ; 2023/4/6, by ccb ; Label4c482e :: ; mov dword ptr vfpa_modifyform_ismodifyform,00h mov dword ptr vfpa_modifyform_isdoform,00h Label4c482f :: mov edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x004c482f : 8b5574 pushd 06h ;0x004c4832 : 6a06 call Fun42a5df ;0x004c4834 : e8a65df6ff mov edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] ;0x004c4839 : 8b5574 pushd 06h ;0x004c483c : 6a06 mov edi , eax ;0x004c483e : 8bf8 pushd 00h ;0x004c4840 : 6a00 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0498h ] ;0x004c4842 : 8d8598040000 push eax ;0x004c4848 : 50 mov ecx , 0FEh ;0x004c4849 : b9fe000000 call Fun42a569 ;0x004c484e : e8165df6ff pushd 0FFFFFFFFh ;0x004c4853 : 6aff push edi ;0x004c4855 : 57 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0498h ] ;0x004c4856 : 8d8598040000 push eax ;0x004c485c : 50 push dword ptr [ ebx + 8 ] ;0x004c485d : ff7308 mov byte ptr [ ebp + edi + 0498h ] , 00h ;0x004c4860 : c6843d9804000000 pushd 00h ;0x004c4868 : 6a00 pushd 0FFFFFFFFh ;0x004c486a : 6aff pushd 01A5h ;0x004c486c : 68a5010000 push esi ;0x004c4871 : 56 call Fun41c715 ;0x004c4872 : e89e7ef5ff mov edi , dword ptr [ ebp + 104 ] ;0x004c4877 : 8b7d68 add esp , 020h ;0x004c487a : 83c420 Label4c487d :: lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 60 ] ;0x004c487d : 8d453c push eax ;0x004c4880 : 50 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFF28h ] ;0x004c4881 : 8d8528ffffff call Fun42d200 ;0x004c4887 : e87489f6ff cmp edi , 01A4h ;0x004c488c : 81ffa4010000 jnl Label5df462 ;0x004c4892 : 0f8dcaab1100 Label4c4898 :: test edi , edi ;0x004c4898 : 85ff jne Label5df479 ;0x004c489a : 0f85d9ab1100 Label4c48a0 :: mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9388dc ] ;0x004c48a0 : a1dc889300 mov ebx , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004c48a5 : 8b9da8050000 lea edi , dword ptr [ esi + 4 * esi ] ;0x004c48ab : 8d3cb6 shl edi , 05h ;0x004c48ae : c1e705 test byte ptr [ edi + eax + 48 ] , 02h ;0x004c48b1 : f644073002 jne Label4bee78 ;0x004c48b6 : 0f85bca5ffff cmp dword ptr [ebx] , 01h ;0x004c48bc : 833b01 jne Label4bee78 ;0x004c48bf : 0f85b3a5ffff Label4c48c5 :: xor edi , edi ;0x004c48c5 : 33ff cmp esi , edi ;0x004c48c7 : 3bf7 je Label5df4c4 ;0x004c48c9 : 0f84f5ab1100 cmp dword ptr [ ebx + 16 ] , edi ;0x004c48cf : 397b10 je Label4bc96a ;0x004c48d2 : 0f849280ffff Label4c48d8 :: lea edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 28 ] ;0x004c48d8 : 8d551c lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 56 ] ;0x004c48db : 8d45c8 call Fun42c27f ;0x004c48de : e89c79f6ff push edi ;0x004c48e3 : 57 push eax ;0x004c48e4 : 50 call Fun42c2be ;0x004c48e5 : e8d479f6ff mov esi , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004c48ea : 8bb5a8050000 mov ebx , eax ;0x004c48f0 : 8bd8 cmp ebx , edi ;0x004c48f2 : 3bdf pop ecx ;0x004c48f4 : 59 pop ecx ;0x004c48f5 : 59 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 104 ] , ebx ;0x004c48f6 : 895d68 jne Label4c4903 ;0x004c48f9 : 7508 pushd 08h ;0x004c48fb : 6a08 push esi ;0x004c48fd : 56 call Fun4f8f8f ;0x004c48fe : e88c460300 Label4c4903 :: lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 28 ] ;0x004c4903 : 8d451c push eax ;0x004c4906 : 50 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 56 ] ;0x004c4907 : 8d45c8 call Fun42d200 ;0x004c490a : e8f188f6ff cmp ebx , 03D4h ;0x004c490f : 81fbd4030000 je Label5df4ce ;0x004c4915 : 0f84b3ab1100 cmp ebx , edi ;0x004c491b : 3bdf jne Label5df4d6 ;0x004c491d : 0f85b3ab1100 pushd 02h ;0x004c4923 : 6a02 pop eax ;0x004c4925 : 58 cmp dword ptr [esi] , eax ;0x004c4926 : 3906 je Label4beadb ;0x004c4928 : 0f84ada1ffff Label4c492e :: mov esi , dword ptr [ ebp + 05A8h ] ;0x004c492e : 8bb5a8050000 push eax ;0x004c4934 : 50 pushd 0Bh ;0x004c4935 : 6a0b pushd 0Ah ;0x004c4937 : 6a0a pushd offset Label4fa1ee ;0x004c4939 : 68eea14f00 call Fun4f9527 ;0x004c493e : e8e44b0300 mov edi , dword ptr [ ebp + 96 ] ;0x004c4943 : 8b7d60 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9388dc ] ;0x004c4946 : a1dc889300 mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 112 ] ;0x004c494b : 8b4d70 lea ebx , dword ptr [ edi + 4 * edi ] ;0x004c494e : 8d1cbf shl ebx , 05h ;0x004c4951 : c1e305 add eax , ebx ;0x004c4954 : 03c3 mov dword ptr [ eax + 088h ] , ecx ;0x004c4956 : 898888000000 and dword ptr [ eax + 48 ] , 0FFFFFFBFh ;0x004c495c : 836030bf mov eax , esi ;0x004c4960 : 8bc6 cmp dword ptr [eax] , 01h ;0x004c4962 : 833801 jne Label4c45f6 ;0x004c4965 : 0f858bfcffff cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] , 00h ;0x004c496b : 837d6c00 jne Label4c455b ;0x004c496f : 0f85e6fbffff call Fun4bc80f ;0x004c4975 : e8957effff mov dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] , eax ;0x004c497a : 89456c jmp Label4c455b ;0x004c497d : e9d9fbffff 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some commands will reset the Object.Name property to the name in the Name Table Index (NTI) if the name already exists in the Name Table Index (NTI), sometimes the Object.Name property value will be converted to uppercase, lowercase or mixedcase. We can use the Form.Name property to locate a form, for example, PRIVATE m.q_form_main m.q_form_main="" PRIVATE m.q_forms_nn m.q_forms_nn=1 DO WHILE TYPE("_SCREEN.FORMS(m.q_forms_nn)")="O" IF UPPE(ALLTRIM(_SCREEN.FORMS(m.q_forms_nn).NAME))==UPPE(ALLTRIM("form_main")) m.q_form_main=_SCREEN.FORMS(m.q_forms_nn) EXIT ENDI m.q_forms_nn=m.q_forms_nn+1 ENDDO 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix265.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix15.asp 2, foxite.com: https://www.foxite.com/archives/delta-show-form-name-case-changed-0000494235.htm 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |