-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - FIX THE COLUMN.DYNAMICCURRENTCONTROL PROPERTY January 2025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: In vfp9, if ALLTRIM(EVALUATE(Column.DynamicCurrentControl))=="", sometimes vfp will crash. 2. CAUSE: There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun676706 :: ; proc near push ebp ;0x00676706 : 55 mov ebp , esp ;0x00676707 : 8bec sub esp , 01Ch ;0x00676709 : 83ec1c test byte ptr [ ebx + 92 ] , 040h ;0x0067670c : f6435c40 push esi ;0x00676710 : 56 push edi ;0x00676711 : 57 je Label676738 ;0x00676712 : 7424 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 0320h ] ;0x00676714 : 8b8320030000 mov eax , dword ptr [eax] ;0x0067671a : 8b00 mov ecx , dword ptr [ eax + 0B0h ] ;0x0067671c : 8b88b0000000 mov eax , dword ptr [ eax + 0B4h ] ;0x00676722 : 8b80b4000000 and dword ptr [ ebp - 24 ] , 00h ;0x00676728 : 8365e800 and dword ptr [ ebp - 20 ] , 00h ;0x0067672c : 8365ec00 mov dword ptr [ ebp - 16 ] , ecx ;0x00676730 : 894df0 mov dword ptr [ ebp - 12 ] , eax ;0x00676733 : 8945f4 jmp Label676742 ;0x00676736 : eb0a Label676738 :: lea esi , dword ptr [ ebx + 40 ] ;0x00676738 : 8d7328 lea edi , dword ptr [ ebp - 24 ] ;0x0067673b : 8d7de8 movsd ;0x0067673e : a5 movsd ;0x0067673f : a5 movsd ;0x00676740 : a5 movsd ;0x00676741 : a5 Label676742 :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebx + 12 ] ;0x00676742 : 8b4b0c test ecx , ecx ;0x00676745 : 85c9 je Label676751 ;0x00676747 : 7408 call Fun41ebcf ;0x00676749 : e88184daff mov dword ptr [ ebp - 8 ] , eax ;0x0067674e : 8945f8 Label676751 :: test byte ptr [ ebx + 88 ] , 01h ;0x00676751 : f6435801 je Label6767f0 ;0x00676755 : 0f8495000000 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 090h ] ;0x0067675b : 8b8390000000 imul eax , eax , 0158h ;0x00676761 : 69c058010000 cmp dword ptr [ eax + ebx + 0868h ] , 00h ;0x00676767 : 83bc186808000000 je Label6767f0 ;0x0067676f : 747f test byte ptr [ ebx + 98 ] , 080h ;0x00676771 : f6436280 je Label676789 ;0x00676775 : 7412 lea edx , dword ptr [ ebx + 066Ch ] ;0x00676777 : 8d936c060000 lea esi , dword ptr [ ebp - 24 ] ;0x0067677d : 8d75e8 call Fun4589b2 ;0x00676780 : e82d22deff test eax , eax ;0x00676785 : 85c0 je Label6767f0 ;0x00676787 : 7467 Label676789 :: mov eax , ebx ;0x00676789 : 8bc3 call Fun67ab3b ;0x0067678b : e8ab430000 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 090h ] ;0x00676790 : 8b8390000000 imul eax , eax , 0158h ;0x00676796 : 69c058010000 mov eax , dword ptr [ eax + ebx + 0868h ] ;0x0067679c : 8b841868080000 ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - FIX THE COLUMN.DYNAMICCURRENTCONTROL PROPERTY ; March 2023 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In vfp9, if ALLTRIM(EVALUATE(Column.DynamicCurrentControl))=="", sometimes vfp will crash. ; ; 2023/3/17, by ccb ; test eax , eax je Label6767f0 call Fun50d098 ;0x006767a3 : e8f068e9ff test eax , eax ;0x006767a8 : 85c0 je Label6767d0 ;0x006767aa : 7424 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebx + 090h ] ;0x006767ac : 8b8390000000 push dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x006767b2 : ff7508 imul eax , eax , 0158h ;0x006767b5 : 69c058010000 mov edx , dword ptr [ eax + ebx + 0868h ] ;0x006767bb : 8b941868080000 pushd 0362h ;0x006767c2 : 6862030000 call Fun8c4620 ;0x006767c7 : e854de2400 pop ecx ;0x006767cc : 59 pop ecx ;0x006767cd : 59 jmp Label6767f0 ;0x006767ce : eb20 Label6767d0 :: mov edx , dword ptr [ ebx + 090h ] ;0x006767d0 : 8b9390000000 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x006767d6 : 8b4508 imul edx , edx , 0158h ;0x006767d9 : 69d258010000 mov edx , dword ptr [ edx + ebx + 0868h ] ;0x006767df : 8b941a68080000 mov ecx , 0362h ;0x006767e6 : b962030000 call Fun4f6226 ;0x006767eb : e836fae7ff Label6767f0 :: test byte ptr [ ebx + 93 ] , 02h ;0x006767f0 : f6435d02 jne Label6767fb ;0x006767f4 : 7505 call Fun4a2067 ;0x006767f6 : e86cb8e2ff Label6767fb :: cmp dword ptr [ ebx + 12 ] , 00h ;0x006767fb : 837b0c00 je Label676809 ;0x006767ff : 7408 mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp - 8 ] ;0x00676801 : 8b4df8 call Fun41ebcf ;0x00676804 : e8c683daff Label676809 :: or byte ptr [ ebx + 89 ] , 040h ;0x00676809 : 804b5940 pushd 04h ;0x0067680d : 6a04 pop eax ;0x0067680f : 58 pop edi ;0x00676810 : 5f pop esi ;0x00676811 : 5e leave ;0x00676812 : c9 ret 04h ;0x00676813 : c20400 4. APPLIES TO: VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix251.asp 2, foxite.com: https://www.foxite.com/archives/fatal-error-set-date-american-0000493905.htm 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |