----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ENHANCED] VFP 9.0 FIX - CATCH THE INTERNAL CONSISTENCY ERROR January 2025 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: If we enable catching the internal consistency error in Visual FoxPro Advanced, when Visual FoxPro causes the internal consistency error (Error 1000), it will display a dialog box "Are you sure you want to exit Visual FoxPro?", if we select "Yes", it will display the error dialog box "Internal consistency error", and then it will display a dialog box "Do you want to save changes to ...?" if there are some unsaved files, and then exit Visual FoxPro, if we select "No", it will cause the error "There is not enough memory to complete this operation (Error 43)", and then it will return to Visual FoxPro, now we can do some important work, and then exit Visual FoxPro. It is the startup default for Visual FoxPro Advanced Interactive Development Environment (IDE). Please refer to the picture testinternalconsistencyerror.png: ![]() If we disable catching the internal consistency error in Visual FoxPro Advanced, when Visual FoxPro causes the internal consistency error (Error 1000), it will display the error dialog box "Internal consistency error", and then it will display a dialog box "Do you want to save changes to ...?" if there are some unsaved files, and then exit Visual FoxPro. It is the startup default for Visual FoxPro Advanced Runtime and Visual FoxPro Advanced Multi-threaded Runtime. 2. CAUSE: There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun544742 :: ; proc near push ebp ;0x00544742 : 55 mov eax , 012F4h ;0x00544743 : b8f4120000 lea ebp , dword ptr [ esp + 0FFFFEF0Ch ] ;0x00544748 : 8dac240cefffff call Fun42c118 ;0x0054474f : e8c479eeff mov eax , dword ptr [ Data937090 ] ;0x00544754 : a190709300 push ebx ;0x00544759 : 53 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 010F0h ] , eax ;0x0054475a : 8985f0100000 push esi ;0x00544760 : 56 mov eax , ecx ;0x00544761 : 8bc1 ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; VFP 9.0 FIX - CATCH THE INTERNAL CONSISTENCY ERROR ; June 2022 ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; CCB ; ; Catch the internal consistency error (Error 1000). ; ; 2022/6/13, by ccb ; cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9101_data,00h je Label544763 cmp eax , 00h jne Label544763 xor esi , esi mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9370e8 ] mov dl , byte ptr [ eax + 28 ] mov cl , 08h test cl , dl jne Label544762 Label54475f :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data937220 ] cmp ecx , esi je Label544761 cmp eax , dword ptr [ ecx + 72 ] jne Label544761 cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9101_data,02h je Label544760 pushd 00h pushd 02h pushd 00h pushd 00h lea eax , byte ptr vfpa_sys9101_text push eax call Fun6da248 cmp eax , 02h jne Label544761 Label544760 :: mov ecx , 0B6h mov eax , ecx jmp Label544763 Label544761 :: mov ecx , 00h mov eax , ecx jmp Label544763 Label544762 :: mov dl , byte ptr [ eax - 28 ] sub eax , 038h test cl , dl jne Label544762 jmp Label54475f Label544763 :: mov cx , word ptr [ Data937770 ] ;0x00544763 : 668b0d70779300 xor esi , esi ;0x0054476a : 33f6 cmp eax , 065h ;0x0054476c : 83f865 push edi ;0x0054476f : 57 mov dword ptr [ Data939800 ] , esi ;0x00544770 : 893500989300 je Label58ccb0 ;0x00544776 : 0f8434850400 Label54477c :: cmp eax , 0ABh ;0x0054477c : 3dab000000 je Label58ccc1 ;0x00544781 : 0f843a850400 Label544787 :: cmp eax , 063h ;0x00544787 : 83f863 mov ebx , eax ;0x0054478a : 8bd8 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 112 ] , ebx ;0x0054478c : 895d70 je Label58cce0 ;0x0054478f : 0f844b850400 Label544795 :: mov eax , offset Data922b80 ;0x00544795 : b8802b9200 mov edi , edi ;0x0054479a : 8bff Label54479c :: movsx ecx ,word ptr [eax] ;0x0054479c : 0fbf08 cmp ecx , ebx ;0x0054479f : 3bcb je Label5447b3 ;0x005447a1 : 7410 add eax , 0Ch ;0x005447a3 : 83c00c cmp eax , offset Data925568 ;0x005447a6 : 3d68559200 jnb Label58cd01 ;0x005447ab : 0f8350850400 jmp Label54479c ;0x005447b1 : ebe9 Label5447b3 :: cmp eax , esi ;0x005447b3 : 3bc6 je Label58cd08 ;0x005447b5 : 0f844d850400 movzx eax ,byte ptr [ eax + 2 ] ;0x005447bb : 0fb64002 mov ecx , eax ;0x005447bf : 8bc8 and ecx , 01h ;0x005447c1 : 83e101 and eax , 04h ;0x005447c4 : 83e004 mov edi , eax ;0x005447c7 : 8bf8 Label5447c9 :: cmp ecx , esi ;0x005447c9 : 3bce mov dword ptr [ ebp + 108 ] , edi ;0x005447cb : 897d6c mov dword ptr [ ebp + 104 ] , ecx ;0x005447ce : 894d68 jne Label58cd20 ;0x005447d1 : 0f8549850400 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9370e8 ] ;0x005447d7 : a1e8709300 mov dl , byte ptr [ eax + 28 ] ;0x005447dc : 8a501c mov cl , 08h ;0x005447df : b108 test cl , dl ;0x005447e1 : 84d1 jne Label58cd11 ;0x005447e3 : 0f8528850400 Label5447e9 :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data937220 ] ;0x005447e9 : 8b0d20729300 cmp ecx , esi ;0x005447ef : 3bce je Label4cec47 ;0x005447f1 : 0f8450a4f8ff cmp eax , dword ptr [ ecx + 72 ] ;0x005447f7 : 3b4148 jne Label4cec47 ;0x005447fa : 0f8547a4f8ff push ebx ;0x00544800 : 53 call Fun543c69 ;0x00544801 : e863f4ffff 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix214.asp 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |