--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - THE CURLY BRACKETS SUBSTITUTION IN THE SEND OUTPUT DIRECTLY TO THE PRINTER COMMAND January 2025 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), it always enables the curly brackets substitution in the send output directly to the printer command. In VFP Advanced, we can disable the curly brackets substitution in the send output directly to the printer command, for example, =SYS(9076,0) ???"a{b" the curly bracket "{" will not be replaced, it will run fine. 2. CAUSE: There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun8767ac :: ; proc near push ebp ;0x008767ac : 55 mov ebp , esp ;0x008767ad : 8bec sub esp , 0104h ;0x008767af : 81ec04010000 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data937090 ] ;0x008767b5 : a190709300 mov dword ptr [ ebp - 4 ] , eax ;0x008767ba : 8945fc mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x008767bd : 8b4508 mov ecx , dword ptr [eax] ;0x008767c0 : 8b08 mov eax , dword ptr [esi] ;0x008767c2 : 8b06 mov dl , byte ptr [ ecx + eax ] ;0x008767c4 : 8a1401 cmp dl , 07Bh ;0x008767c7 : 80fa7b push edi ;0x008767ca : 57 jne Label876845 ;0x008767cb : 7578 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - THE CURLY BRACKETS SUBSTITUTION IN THE SEND OUTPUT DIRECTLY TO THE PRINTER COMMAND ; March 2022 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; The curly brackets substitution in the send output directly to the printer command. ; ; 2022/3/2, by ccb ; cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9076_data,00h jne Label8767cd jmp Label876845 Label8767cd :: inc eax ;0x008767cd : 40 lea edi , dword ptr [ ecx + eax ] ;0x008767ce : 8d3c01 mov dword ptr [esi] , eax ;0x008767d1 : 8906 mov dl , byte ptr [edi] ;0x008767d3 : 8a17 cmp dl , 07Bh ;0x008767d5 : 80fa7b jne Label8767e6 ;0x008767d8 : 750c cmp byte ptr [ edi + 1 ] , 07Dh ;0x008767da : 807f017d jne Label876841 ;0x008767de : 7561 mov byte ptr [ebx] , dl ;0x008767e0 : 8813 inc dword ptr [esi] ;0x008767e2 : ff06 jmp Label876847 ;0x008767e4 : eb61 Label8767e6 :: cmp dl , 07Dh ;0x008767e6 : 80fa7d jne Label8767ef ;0x008767e9 : 7504 mov byte ptr [ebx] , dl ;0x008767eb : 8813 jmp Label876847 ;0x008767ed : eb58 Label8767ef :: mov dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] , eax ;0x008767ef : 894508 xor edi , edi ;0x008767f2 : 33ff Label8767f4 :: cmp edi , 0FFh ;0x008767f4 : 81ffff000000 jnb Label876841 ;0x008767fa : 7345 cmp eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 12 ] ;0x008767fc : 3b450c jnb Label876841 ;0x008767ff : 7340 movzx edx ,byte ptr [ eax + ecx ] ;0x00876801 : 0fb61408 mov dl , byte ptr [ edx + offset Data9375a0 ] ;0x00876805 : 8a92a0759300 inc eax ;0x0087680b : 40 mov byte ptr [ ebp + edi + 0FFFFFEFCh ] , dl ;0x0087680c : 88943dfcfeffff mov edx , eax ;0x00876813 : 8bd0 mov dword ptr [esi] , eax ;0x00876815 : 8906 inc edi ;0x00876817 : 47 cmp byte ptr [ ecx + edx ] , 07Dh ;0x00876818 : 803c117d jne Label8767f4 ;0x0087681c : 75d6 sub eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x0087681e : 2b4508 mov byte ptr [ ebp + edi + 0FFFFFEFCh ] , 00h ;0x00876821 : c6843dfcfeffff00 push eax ;0x00876829 : 50 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFEFCh ] ;0x0087682a : 8d85fcfeffff push eax ;0x00876830 : 50 call Fun876718 ;0x00876831 : e8e2feffff cmp dword ptr [ Data947aa4 ] , 00h ;0x00876836 : 833da47a940000 mov byte ptr [ebx] , al ;0x0087683d : 8803 je Label876847 ;0x0087683f : 7406 Label876841 :: xor eax , eax ;0x00876841 : 33c0 jmp Label87684c ;0x00876843 : eb07 Label876845 :: mov byte ptr [ebx] , dl ;0x00876845 : 8813 Label876847 :: inc dword ptr [esi] ;0x00876847 : ff06 xor eax , eax ;0x00876849 : 33c0 inc eax ;0x0087684b : 40 Label87684c :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp - 4 ] ;0x0087684c : 8b4dfc pop edi ;0x0087684f : 5f call Fun42bf1d ;0x00876850 : e8c856bbff leave ;0x00876855 : c9 ret 08h ;0x00876856 : c20800 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. IMPORTANT NOTE: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), we can use the following code: =ffwrite("a{b") RETU PROC ffwrite PARAMETER m.q_exp * ffwrite = * m.q_exp = PRIVATE m.q_exp2 m.q_exp2=m.q_exp m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-@}",CHR(0x00)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-A}",CHR(0x01)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-B}",CHR(0x02)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-C}",CHR(0x03)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-D}",CHR(0x04)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-E}",CHR(0x05)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-F}",CHR(0x06)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-G}",CHR(0x07)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-H}",CHR(0x08)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-I}",CHR(0x09)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-J}",CHR(0x0a)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-K}",CHR(0x0b)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-L}",CHR(0x0c)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-M}",CHR(0x0d)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-N}",CHR(0x0e)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-O}",CHR(0x0f)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-P}",CHR(0x10)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-Q}",CHR(0x11)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-R}",CHR(0x12)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-S}",CHR(0x13)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-T}",CHR(0x14)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-U}",CHR(0x15)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-V}",CHR(0x16)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-W}",CHR(0x17)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-X}",CHR(0x18)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-Y}",CHR(0x19)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-Z}",CHR(0x1a)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-[}",CHR(0x1b)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-\}",CHR(0x1c)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-]}",CHR(0x1d)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-^}",CHR(0x1e)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{CTRL-_}",CHR(0x1f)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{DEL}",CHR(0x7f)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{NULL}",CHR(0x00)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{BELL}",CHR(0x07)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{BACKSPACE}",CHR(0x08)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{TAB}",CHR(0x09)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{LINEFEED}",CHR(0x0a)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{RETURN}",CHR(0x0d)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{ESC}",CHR(0x1b)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{ESCAPE}",CHR(0x1b)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{DELETE}",CHR(0x7f)) m.q_exp2=ffwrite_strtranc(m.q_exp2,"{","{{}") ???m.q_exp2 PRIVATE m.q_len m.q_len=LEN(m.q_exp) RETU m.q_len * END OF PROC FFWRITE. PROC ffwrite_strtranc PARAMETER m.q_vexp,m.q_str1,m.q_str2 * ffwrite_strtranc = * m.q_vexp = * m.q_str1 = * m.q_str2 = #IF ROUND(VAL(CHRTRAN(UPPE(VERSION()),"MICROSOFTVISUALFOXPRO","")),2)>=7.0 PRIVATE m.q_vexp1 m.q_vexp1=STRTRAN(m.q_vexp,m.q_str1,m.q_str2,1,-1,1) IF ATC(m.q_str1,m.q_vexp1)=0 RETU m.q_vexp1 ENDI #ENDI PRIVATE m.q_vexpb m.q_vexpb=1 DO WHILE m.q_vexpb<=LEN(m.q_vexp) PRIVATE m.q_vexpn m.q_vexpn=ATC(m.q_str1,SUBS(m.q_vexp,m.q_vexpb)) IF !(m.q_vexpn>0) EXIT ENDI m.q_vexpb=m.q_vexpb+m.q_vexpn-1 m.q_vexp=STUFF(m.q_vexp,m.q_vexpb,LEN(m.q_str1),m.q_str2) m.q_vexpb=m.q_vexpb-LEN(m.q_str1)+LEN(m.q_str2) m.q_vexpb=m.q_vexpb+LEN(m.q_str1) ENDDO RETU m.q_vexp * END OF PROC FFWRITE_STRTRANC. and then there is no the bug. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix206.asp 2, foxite.com: https://www.foxite.com/archives/chr123-fails-why-0000243023.htm 3, wikis.com: http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?Wiki~VfpCommandQuestionMarkQuestionMarkQuestionMark 4, sunyear.com.tw: http://vfp.sunyear.com.tw/viewtopic.php?t=6430 http://vfp.sunyear.com.tw/viewtopic.php?t=7128 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |