--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - FIX THE FILE NAME SEPARATED BY COMMAS IN THE DELETE FILE COMMAND January 2025 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, when we run the code: DELETE FILE *,TMP (or ERASE *,TMP) it will delete all files (*)!!! In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, when we compile the code: COMPILE *,tmp COPY FILE *,tmp TO *,tm2 DIR *,tmp DISPLAY FILES *,tmp LIST FILES *,tmp MODIFY COMMAND *,tmp MODIFY FILE *,tmp RENAME *,tmp TO *,tm2 REMOVE TABLE *,tmp it will cause the error "Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword (Error 36)", the code will not run. There is the bug for the DELETE FILE command, the ERASE command and the DROP TABLE command. There is no the bug for other commands that support wildcards. The bug was reported by Rajesh Samadia. 2. CAUSE: In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, the code: DELETE FILE *,TMP (or ERASE *,TMP) will be compiled to: DELETE FILE * (or ERASE *) so it will delete all files (*)!!! In VFP Advanced, when we compile the code: DELETE FILE *,TMP ERASE *,TMP DROP TABLE *,TMP it will cause the error "Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword (Error 36)", the code will not run. There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun43d764 :: ; proc near sub esp , 010h ;0x0043d764 : 83ec10 push ebx ;0x0043d767 : 53 push ebp ;0x0043d768 : 55 push esi ;0x0043d769 : 56 mov esi , ecx ;0x0043d76a : 8bf1 lea edx , dword ptr [ esi + 40 ] ;0x0043d76c : 8d5628 xor ebp , ebp ;0x0043d76f : 33ed push edi ;0x0043d771 : 57 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - FIX THE FILE NAME SEPARATED BY COMMAS IN THE DELETE FILE COMMAND ; February 2021 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; Fix the file name separated by commas in the DELETE FILE command. ; ; 2021/2/10, by ccb ; mov dword ptr vfpa_compiledeletefile_commas_cnt,00h mov edi , eax ;0x0043d772 : 8bf8 mov byte ptr [ esp + 19 ] , 00h ;0x0043d774 : c644241300 mov dword ptr [ esp + 20 ] , ebp ;0x0043d779 : 896c2414 mov dword ptr [ esp + 24 ] , edx ;0x0043d77d : 89542418 mov byte ptr [edx] , 00h ;0x0043d781 : c60200 Label43d784 :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ esi + 32 ] ;0x0043d784 : 8b4e20 mov al , byte ptr [ecx] ;0x0043d787 : 8a01 cmp al , 020h ;0x0043d789 : 3c20 je Label43d8d0 ;0x0043d78b : 0f843f010000 cmp al , 09h ;0x0043d791 : 3c09 je Label43d8d0 ;0x0043d793 : 0f8437010000 mov eax , dword ptr [ esi + 32 ] ;0x0043d799 : 8b4620 mov bl , byte ptr [eax] ;0x0043d79c : 8a18 movzx ecx , bl ;0x0043d79e : 0fb6cb cmp ecx , 05Bh ;0x0043d7a1 : 83f95b ja Label43d7b4 ;0x0043d7a4 : 770e movzx ecx ,byte ptr [ ecx + offset Data415294 ] ;0x0043d7a6 : 0fb68994524100 jmp dword ptr [ 4 * ecx + offset DataPtr43d754 ] ;0x0043d7ad : ff248d54d74300 Label43d7b4 :: mov byte ptr [ esp + 18 ] , 020h ;0x0043d7b4 : c644241220 Label43d7b9 :: mov al , byte ptr [ esp + 18 ] ;0x0043d7b9 : 8a442412 cmp bl , al ;0x0043d7bd : 3ad8 movzx ecx , al ;0x0043d7bf : 0fb6c8 mov dword ptr [ esi + 4 ] , ecx ;0x0043d7c2 : 894e04 je Label43d861 ;0x0043d7c5 : 0f8496000000 mov cl , byte ptr [ Data93b8c0 ] ;0x0043d7cb : 8a0dc0b89300 jmp Label43d807 ;0x0043d7d1 : eb34 Label43d7d3 :: ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - FIX THE FILE NAME SEPARATED BY COMMAS IN THE DELETE FILE COMMAND ; February 2021 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; Fix the file name separated by commas in the DELETE FILE command. ; ; 2021/2/10, by ccb ; cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9051_data,00h je Label43d7d6 cmp dword ptr [ esp + 20h ] , offset Label54a0e5 ;; Fun54a07d .. ; proc near jne Label43d7d6 cmp dword ptr [ esp + 20h + (4+00h+14Ch) ] , offset Label45365d ;; Label4535fc .. je Label43d7d4 cmp dword ptr [ esp + 20h + (4+00h+14Ch) ] , offset Label46348c ;; Label46347a .. je Label43d7d4 jmp Label43d7d6 Label43d7d4 :: cmp byte ptr [ Data93e720 ] , 20h je Label43d7d5 cmp byte ptr [ Data93e720 ] , 14h jne Label43d7d6 test edi , edi je Label43d7d6 cmp byte ptr [ edi-1 ] , 12h jne Label43d7d6 jmp Label43d7d5 Label43d7d5 :: cmp bl , 02Ch jne Label43d7d8 inc dword ptr vfpa_compiledeletefile_commas_cnt jmp Label43d7d8 Label43d7d6 :: cmp bl , 02Ch ;0x0043d7d3 : 80fb2c je Label43d837 ;0x0043d7d6 : 745f Label43d7d8 :: cmp bl , 09h ;0x0043d7d8 : 80fb09 je Label45e161 ;0x0043d7db : 0f8480090200 cmp bl , 022h ;0x0043d7e1 : 80fb22 je Label45f746 ;0x0043d7e4 : 0f845c1f0200 Label43d7ea :: mov eax , dword ptr [ esp + 20 ] ;0x0043d7ea : 8b442414 mov byte ptr [edx] , bl ;0x0043d7ee : 881a mov ebx , dword ptr [ esi + 32 ] ;0x0043d7f0 : 8b5e20 inc edx ;0x0043d7f3 : 42 inc eax ;0x0043d7f4 : 40 inc ebx ;0x0043d7f5 : 43 mov dword ptr [ esp + 20 ] , eax ;0x0043d7f6 : 89442414 mov eax , ebx ;0x0043d7fa : 8bc3 mov dword ptr [ esi + 32 ] , ebx ;0x0043d7fc : 895e20 mov bl , byte ptr [eax] ;0x0043d7ff : 8a18 cmp bl , byte ptr [ esp + 18 ] ;0x0043d801 : 3a5c2412 je Label43d83c ;0x0043d805 : 7435 Label43d807 :: cmp bl , 0Ah ;0x0043d807 : 80fb0a je Label43d83c ;0x0043d80a : 7430 test bl , bl ;0x0043d80c : 84db je Label43d83c ;0x0043d80e : 742c cmp dword ptr [ esp + 20 ] , 0FFh ;0x0043d810 : 817c2414ff000000 jnb Label5d9bd3 ;0x0043d818 : 0f83b5c31900 Label43d81e :: cmp byte ptr [ esp + 18 ] , 020h ;0x0043d81e : 807c241220 jne Label4153a3 ;0x0043d823 : 0f857a7bfdff test cl , cl ;0x0043d829 : 84c9 je Label43d7d3 ;0x0043d82b : 74a6 cmp bl , cl ;0x0043d82d : 3ad9 je Label5d9c21 ;0x0043d82f : 0f84ecc31900 jmp Label43d7d3 ;0x0043d835 : eb9c Label43d837 :: mov byte ptr [ esp + 18 ] , 02Ch ;0x0043d837 : c64424122c Label43d83c :: mov al , byte ptr [ esp + 19 ] ;0x0043d83c : 8a442413 test al , al ;0x0043d840 : 84c0 jne Label5d9c28 ;0x0043d842 : 0f85e0c31900 Label43d848 :: mov al , byte ptr [ esp + 18 ] ;0x0043d848 : 8a442412 cmp bl , al ;0x0043d84c : 3ad8 je Label43d861 ;0x0043d84e : 7411 cmp al , 020h ;0x0043d850 : 3c20 jne Label5d9c39 ;0x0043d852 : 0f85e1c31900 cmp bl , 0Ah ;0x0043d858 : 80fb0a jne Label5d9c31 ;0x0043d85b : 0f85d0c31900 Label43d861 :: cmp bl , 0Ah ;0x0043d861 : 80fb0a mov byte ptr [edx] , 00h ;0x0043d864 : c60200 jne Label4152f0 ;0x0043d867 : 0f85837afdff Label43d86d :: test edi , edi ;0x0043d86d : 85ff mov eax , dword ptr [ esp + 20 ] ;0x0043d86f : 8b442414 mov byte ptr [ esi + 1 ] , al ;0x0043d873 : 884601 mov byte ptr [esi] , 02h ;0x0043d876 : c60602 jne Label54a245 ;0x0043d879 : 0f85c6c91000 Label43d87f :: pop edi ;0x0043d87f : 5f pop esi ;0x0043d880 : 5e pop ebp ;0x0043d881 : 5d xor eax , eax ;0x0043d882 : 33c0 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - FIX THE FILE NAME SEPARATED BY COMMAS IN THE DELETE FILE COMMAND ; February 2021 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; Fix the file name separated by commas in the DELETE FILE command. ; ; 2021/2/10, by ccb ; cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9051_data,00h je Label43d884 cmp dword ptr vfpa_compiledeletefile_commas_cnt,00h je Label43d884 mov eax,0FFFFFF25h Label43d884 :: pop ebx ;0x0043d884 : 5b add esp , 010h ;0x0043d885 : 83c410 ret ;0x0043d888 : c3 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix153.asp 2, foxite.com: https://www.foxite.com/archives/erase-causing-blunder-0000480090.htm 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |