------------------------------------------------------------ [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - PRIVATE DATA SESSION January 2025 ------------------------------------------------------------ CCB 1. BUG: The default values for a form with a private data session are as follows: SET TALK ON SET SAFETY ON Usually, if a form or a report uses a private data session, we need to insert some code: SET TALK OFF SET SAFETY OFF ... into the PROCEDURE Form.Load() or the PROCEDURE Form.Init(). If we use a data environment in a form or a report, we need to insert the code into the PROCEDURE DataEnvironment.BeforeOpenTables() or the PROCEDURE DataEnvironment.Init(). Sometimes, we don't know the form uses a private data session or not. For example, in the class library, we can set: DataSession = 1 && default data session but in the form (it is subclassed from the class library), we can set: DataSession = 2 && private data session then the form (and the class library) uses a private data session, so we need to insert the code into the PROCEDURE Form.Load() or the PROCEDURE Form.Init() in the class library. For example, in vfp9, we can run the code: _REPORTPREVIEW=FULLPATH("REPORTPREVIEW.APP") _REPORTOUTPUT=FULLPATH("REPORTOUTPUT.APP") SET REPORTBEHAVIOR 90 REPORT FORM ... But the applications REPORTPREVIEW.APP and REPORTOUTPUT.APP use a private data session, they will display some messages in the form, please refer to the picture testreport-vfp9.jpg: ![]() If we can set the default values for a form with a private data session are as follows: SET TALK OFF SET SAFETY OFF then we needn't to insert the code into the PROCEDURE Form.Load() or the PROCEDURE Form.Init(). 2. CAUSE: The following code set the default values to (for a data session): SET TALK ON SET SAFETY ON Label414da1 :: mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x00414da1 : 8b4508 cmp eax , ebx ;0x00414da4 : 3bc3 jne Label4c0e61 ;0x00414da6 : 0f85b5c00a00 mov dword ptr [ esi + 0E8h ] , edi ;0x00414dac : 89bee8000000 Label414db2 :: mov dword ptr [ esi + 0118h ] , edi ;0x00414db2 : 89be18010000 mov dword ptr [ esi + 0110h ] , edi ;0x00414db8 : 89be10010000 Label414dbe :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data9370f4 ] ;0x00414dbe : 8b0df4709300 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data935778 ] ;0x00414dc4 : a178579300 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to set the default values to (for a private data session): SET TALK OFF SET SAFETY OFF Label414da1 :: mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 8 ] ;0x00414da1 : 8b4508 cmp eax , ebx ;0x00414da4 : 3bc3 jne Label4c0e61 ;0x00414da6 : 0f85b5c00a00 mov dword ptr [ esi + 0E8h ] , edi ;0x00414dac : 89bee8000000 Label414db2 :: mov dword ptr [ esi + 0118h ] , edi ;0x00414db2 : 89be18010000 mov dword ptr [ esi + 0110h ] , edi ;0x00414db8 : 89be10010000 ; ; ------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - PRIVATE DATA SESSION ; May 2015 ; ------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; The default values for a form with a private data session are as follows: ; SET TALK OFF ; SET SAFETY OFF ; ; 2015/5/4, by ccb ; cmp dword ptr [esi] , 02h jb Label414dbe mov dword ptr [ esi + 0118h ] , 00h mov dword ptr [ esi + 0110h ] , 00h Label414dbe :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data9370f4 ] ;0x00414dbe : 8b0df4709300 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data935778 ] ;0x00414dc4 : a178579300 Now in VFP Advanced, the report will not display any messages in the form, please refer to the picture testreport-vfpa.jpg: ![]() 4. APPLIES TO: VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix174.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix175.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix176.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix234.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix280.asp http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix281.asp 2, foxite.com: http://weblogs.foxite.com/andykramek/2008/12/21/datasessions-in-visual-foxpro/ http://www.foxite.com/archives/set-talk-off-0000129339.htm 3, microsoft.com: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/cc04eed3-c9e6-467c-a618-c6c02d68b6b0/set-talk-off-cant-remove-system-wordings 4, tech-archive.net: http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/Fox/microsoft.public.fox.programmer.exchange/2008-01/msg00039.html 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |