                                  June 2021

1. THE SYSTEM VARIABLES (from dv_foxhelp9.chm):

     Visual FoxPro Advanced ( Language Reference.
     System Variables Overview
     System variables are built-in variables that Visual FoxPro creates and maintains automatically.
     They are designated as PUBLIC by default, but you can declare them as PRIVATE.
     Recent Visual FoxPro features have replaced the functionality of many system variables.
     For more information, see the description for each system variable and Backward-Compatible Language Elements.

     | Variable Type | Description   | Expression    |
     | A             | Array         | aExpression   |
     | C             | Character     | cExpression   |
     | D             | Date          | dExpression   |
     | L             | Logical       | lExpression   |
     | N             | Numeric       | nExpression   |
     | O             | Object        | oExpression   |
     The following table lists all system variables, their types, and default values.

     | Variable         | Type | Description and Default Value                                                                                     |
     | _ALIGNMENT       | C    | Align text between page margins.                                                                                  |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is "LEFT".                                                                                      |
     | _ASCIICOLS       | N    | Specify the number of columns in an ASCII text file created with the ASCII keyword in the REPORT FORM command.    |
     |                  |      | The default value is 80.                                                                                          |
     | _ASCIIROWS       | N    | Specify the number of rows in an ASCII text file created with the ASCII keyword in the REPORT FORM command.       |
     |                  |      | The default value is 63.                                                                                          |
     | _ASSIST          | C    | Specify the name of the program to run after issuing the ASSIST command. Included for backward compatibility.     |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "CATALOG.EXE", "CATALOG.APP", "CATALOG.FXP", "CATALOG.PRG".                           |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _BEAUTIFY        | C    | Specify the beautification application for Visual FoxPro programs.                                                |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "BEAUTIFY.EXE", *"BEAUTIFY.APP", "BEAUTIFY.FXP", "BEAUTIFY.PRG".                      |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _BOX             | L    | Print box.                                                                                                        |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is true (.T.).                                                                                  |
     | _BROWSER         | C    | Specify the name of the class browser application to use for browsing classes.                                    |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "BROWSER.EXE", *"BROWSER.APP", "BROWSER.FXP", "BROWSER.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _BUILDER         | C    | Specify the name of the Visual FoxPro builder application.                                                        |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "BUILDER.EXE", *"BUILDER.APP", "BUILDER.FXP", "BUILDER.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _CALCMEM         | N    | Specify the numeric value that Microsoft Visual FoxPro stores in the Calculator's memory.                         |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.0.                                                                                         |
     | _CALCVALUE       | N    | Specify the numeric value that the Calculator displays initially.                                                 |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.0.                                                                                         |
     | _CLIPTEXT        | C    | Specify the contents of the Clipboard.                                                                            |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _CODESENSE       | C    | Specify the name of the application that provides functionality for the IntelliSense Manager.                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is "FOXCODE.APP".                                                                               |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _CONVERTER       | C    | Specify the name of the Microsoft Visual FoxPro converter application.                                            |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "CONVERT.EXE", *"CONVERT.APP", "CONVERT.FXP", "CONVERT.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _COVERAGE        | C    | Specify the name of the Visual FoxPro application that creates the Debugger coverage and profiler output.         |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "COVERAGE.EXE", *"COVERAGE.APP", "COVERAGE.FXP", "COVERAGE.PRG".                      |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _CUROBJ          | N    | Store the currently selected control number.                                                                      |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The ActiveControl property can be used instead for new forms.                |
     |                  |      | The default value is -1.                                                                                          |
     | _DBLCLICK        | N    | Specify the time interval between double and triple mouse clicks.                                                 |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.5.                                                                                         |
     | _DIARYDATE       | D    | Specify the current date in the Calendar/Diary.                                                                   |
     |                  |      | The default value is current date.                                                                                |
     | _DOS             | L    | Included for backward compatibility.                                                                              |
     |                  |      | The default value is .T. in FoxPro for MS-DOS.                                                                    |
     |                  |      | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, it always returns false (.F.).                                                   |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     | _FOXCODE         | C    | Specify the name of the table file used for Visual FoxPro IntelliSense.                                           |
     |                  |      | The default value is "FOXCODE.DBF".                                                                               |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _FOXDOC          | C    | This variable specifies the name and location of the automatic document generator FoxDoc.                         |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. It can be replaced by "Document Wizard".                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is "FOXDOC.APP".                                                                                |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _FOXGRAPH???     | C    | Specify the name and location of the optional graphics software package FoxGraph.                                 |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. It can be replaced by a graphical wizard.                                    |
     |                  |      | The default value is "FOXGRAPH.EXE".                                                                              |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _FOXREF          | C    | Specify the name of the application that provides the Code References tool.                                       |
     |                  |      | The default value is "FOXREF.APP".                                                                                |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _FOXTASK         | C    | Specify the name of the FOXTASK table that supports Visual FoxPro Task Manager.                                   |
     |                  |      | The default value is "FOXTASK.DBF".                                                                               |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _GALLERY         | C    | Specify the program that is executed when you choose Component Gallery from the Tools menu.                       |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "GALLERY.EXE", *"GALLERY.APP", "GALLERY.FXP", "GALLERY.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _GENGRAPH        | C    | Specify the application program used to output query results to Microsoft Graph (Visual FoxPro,                   |
     |                  |      | FoxPro for Windows and FoxPro for Macintosh) or FoxGraph (FoxPro for MS-DOS).                                     |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. It can be replaced by a graphical wizard.                                    |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "WZGRAPH.EXE", *"WZGRAPH.APP", "WZGRAPH.FXP", "WZGRAPH.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _GENHTML         | C    | Specify an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) generation program.                                                   |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "GENHTML.EXE", "GENHTML.APP", "GENHTML.FXP", *"GENHTML.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _GENMENU         | C    | Specify a menu generation program.                                                                                |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "GENMENU.EXE", "GENMENU.APP", "GENMENU.FXP", *"GENMENU.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _GENPD           | C    | Specify the printer driver interface program for character-based reports created in FoxPro for MS-DOS.            |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. Use the TO FILE ASCII parameter in REPORT.                                   |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "GENPD.EXE", "GENPD.APP", "GENPD.FXP", "GENPD.PRG".                                   |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _GENSCRN         | C    | Specify the form generator.                                                                                       |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The form designer can be used instead.                                       |
     |                  |      | The default value is "GENSCRN.PRG"                                                                                |
     | _GENXTAB         | C    | Specify the program used to output query results in crosstab format.                                              |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The cross-tab wizard can be used instead.                                    |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "VFPXTAB.EXE", "VFPXTAB.APP", "VFPXTAB.FXP", *"VFPXTAB.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _GETEXPR         | C    | Specify the program that is executed when you issue the GETEXPR command or invoke the Expression Builder          |
     |                  |      | dialog box from within Visual FoxPro.                                                                             |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "GETEXPR.EXE", "GETEXPR.APP", "GETEXPR.FXP", "GETEXPR.PRG".                           |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _INCLUDE         | C    | Specifies a default header file included with user-defined classes, forms, or form sets.                          |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _INCSEEK         | N    | Specify the time interval that is open for keystrokes within an incremental seek such as within a Listbox         |
     |                  |      | or ComboBox control.                                                                                              |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.5.                                                                                         |
     | _INDENT          | N    | Indent the first line of each paragraph.                                                                          |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _LMARGIN         | N    | Include the left margin.                                                                                          |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _MAC             | L    | Included for backward compatibility.                                                                              |
     |                  |      | The default value is .T. in Visual FoxPro for Macintosh.                                                          |
     |                  |      | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, it always returns false (.F.).                                                   |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     | _MENUDESIGNER    | C    | Specifies an external application for creating menus.                                                             |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _MLINE           | N    | Specify the memo field offset for the MLINE() function.                                                           |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _NETWARE???      | C    | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions,                                                                                  |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "NETWARE.EXE", "NETWARE.APP", "NETWARE.FXP", "NETWARE.PRG".                           |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     |                  | L    | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     |                  | L    | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns true (.T.).                                                     |
     | _OBJECTBROWSER   | C    | Specify the name of the object browser application.                                                               |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "OBJECTBROWSER.EXE", *"OBJECTBROWSER.APP", "OBJECTBROWSER.FXP", "OBJECTBROWSER.PRG".  |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _ORACLE???       | C    | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions,                                                                                  |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "ORACLE.EXE", "ORACLE.APP", "ORACLE.FXP", "ORACLE.PRG".                               |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     |                  | L    | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     |                  | L    | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     | _PADVANCE        | C    | Contains the page change method.                                                                                  |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is "FORMFEED".                                                                                  |
     | _PAGENO          | N    | Specify the current page number.                                                                                  |
     |                  |      | The default value is 1.                                                                                           |
     | _PAGETOTAL       | N    | Specify the total number of pages in a report.                                                                    |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _PBPAGE          | N    | Contains the first page to be printed.                                                                            |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 1.                                                                                           |
     | _PCOLNO          | N    | Contains the number of the current column.                                                                        |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is current column.                                                                              |
     | _PCOPIES         | N    | Including the number of prints.                                                                                   |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 1.                                                                                           |
     | _PDPARMS         | A    | Printer driver parameters for character-based reports, each parameter becomes an element in the array _PDPARMS.   |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     | _PDRIVER         | C    | Specify printer drivers for character-based reports.                                                              |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _PDSETUP         | C    | Load or clear printer driver settings for character-based reports.                                                |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _PECODE          | C    | Include end printing code.                                                                                        |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _PEJECT          | C    | Specify when to feed paper.                                                                                       |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is "NONE".                                                                                      |
     | _PEPAGE          | N    | Specify the number of the ending page.                                                                            |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 32767.                                                                                       |
     | _PFORM???        | C    | Included for backward compatibility.                                                                              |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _PLENGTH         | N    | Contains the length of the page.                                                                                  |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 66.                                                                                          |
     | _PLINENO         | N    | Contains the number of the current line.                                                                          |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _PLOFFSET        | N    | Contains page offset value.                                                                                       |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _PPITCH          | C    | Store the printer spacing.                                                                                        |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is "DEFAULT".                                                                                   |
     | _PQUALITY        | L    | Store print quality.                                                                                              |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is .F..                                                                                         |
     | _PRETEXT         | C    | Specify a character expression to preface text merge lines.                                                       |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _PSCODE          | C    | Store the initial printing code.                                                                                  |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _PSPACING        | N    | Store the printer line spacing.                                                                                   |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 1.                                                                                           |
     | _PWAIT           | L    | Specify whether to pause between pages when the printer is outputting.                                            |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is .F..                                                                                         |
     | _RMARGIN         | N    | Include right margin.                                                                                             |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is 80.                                                                                          |
     | _REPORTBUILDER   | C    | Set the Visual FoxPro handler application for Report Designer and Label Designer events.                          |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "REPORTBUILDER.EXE", *"REPORTBUILDER.APP", "REPORTBUILDER.FXP", "REPORTBUILDER.PRG".  |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _REPORTOUTPUT    | C    | Set the Visual FoxPro handler application for the OBJECT TYPE n clause of the REPORT FORM command,                |
     |                  |      | and maintain a registry of ReportListener classes for different output results.                                   |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "REPORTOUTPUT.EXE", *"REPORTOUTPUT.APP", "REPORTOUTPUT.FXP", "REPORTOUTPUT.PRG".      |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _REPORTPREVIEW   | C    | Set the Visual FoxPro handler application providing a PreviewContainer reference to ReportListener objects.       |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "REPORTPREVIEW.EXE", *"REPORTPREVIEW.APP", "REPORTPREVIEW.FXP", "REPORTPREVIEW.PRG".  |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _RUNACTIVEDOC??? | C    | Specifies an application that launches an Active Document. Included for backward compatibility.                   |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _SAMPLES         | C    | Specify the path of the directory in which the Microsoft Visual FoxPro samples are installed.                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is HOME() + "SAMPLES".                                                                          |
     | _SCCTEXT         | C    | Specify a Visual FoxPro conversion program that handles translating Visual FoxPro binary files                    |
     |                  |      | into text equivalents and back.                                                                                   |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "SCCTEXT.EXE", "SCCTEXT.APP", "SCCTEXT.FXP", *"SCCTEXT.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _SCREEN          | O    | Specify properties and methods for the main Visual FoxPro window. You can use _SCREEN to manipulate               |
     |                  |      | the main Visual FoxPro window as an object.                                                                       |
     |                  |      | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, the default value of _SCREEN.Caption is "Microsoft Visual FoxPro".               |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, the default value of _SCREEN.Caption is "Microsoft Visual FoxPro Advanced".       |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, the default value of _SCREEN.Caption is "Microsoft Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64)". |
     | _SHELL           | C    | Specify a program shell.                                                                                          |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _SPELLCHK        | C    | Specify a spelling checker program for the Visual FoxPro text editor.                                             |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "SPELLCHK.EXE", *"SPELLCHK.APP", "SPELLCHK.FXP", "SPELLCHK.PRG".                      |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _SQLSERVER???    | C    | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions,                                                                                  |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "SQLSERVER.EXE", "SQLSERVER.APP", "SQLSERVER.FXP", "SQLSERVER.PRG".                   |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     |                  | L    | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     |                  | L    | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     | _STARTUP         | C    | Specify the name of the application that runs when you start Visual FoxPro.                                       |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "FOXSTART.EXE", "FOXSTART.APP", "FOXSTART.FXP", "FOXSTART.PRG".                       |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _TABS            | C    | Contains tab settings.                                                                                            |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is an empty string.                                                                             |
     | _TALLY           | N    | Specify the number of records processed by the most recently executed table command.                              |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _TASKLIST        | C    | Specify the name of the task list manager program.                                                                |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "TASKLIST.EXE", *"TASKLIST.APP", "TASKLIST.FXP", "TASKLIST.PRG".                      |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _TASKPANE        | C    | Specify the path and file name for the Visual FoxPro Task Pane Manager.                                           |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "TASKPANE.EXE", *"TASKPANE.APP", "TASKPANE.FXP", "TASKPANE.PRG".                      |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _TEXT            | C    | Direct output from the \ | \\ and TEXT ... ENDTEXT text merge commands to a low-level file.                       |
     |                  |      | The default value is -1.                                                                                          |
     | _THROTTLE        | N    | Specify the execution speed of programs when the Trace window is open.                                            |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _TOOLBOX         | C    | Specify the path and file name for the Visual FoxPro Toolbox.                                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "TOOLBOX.EXE", *"TOOLBOX.APP", "TOOLBOX.FXP", "TOOLBOX.PRG".                          |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _TOOLTIPTIMEOUT  | N    | Specifies how long a ToolTip is displayed if the mouse pointer is left stationary.                                |
     |                  |      | The default value is -1.                                                                                          |
     | _TRANSPORT       | C    | When converting forms, labels and reports between different FoxPro platforms and versions, specify the programs   |
     |                  |      | that need to be run. Included for backward compatibility. The Visual FoxPro converter can be used instead.        |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "TRANSPRT.EXE", *"TRANSPRT.APP", "TRANSPRT.FXP", "TRANSPRT.PRG".                      |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _TRIGGERLEVEL    | N    | Read the value indicating the current trigger procedure nesting level.                                            |
     |                  |      | The default value is 0.                                                                                           |
     | _UNIX            | L    | Included for backward compatibility.                                                                              |
     |                  |      | The default value is .T. in FoxPro for UNIX.                                                                      |
     |                  |      | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, it always returns false (.F.).                                                   |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     | _VFP             | O    | Reference the Application object for the current instance of Visual FoxPro.                                       |
     |                  |      | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, the default value of _VFP.Caption is "Microsoft Visual FoxPro".                  |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, the default value of _VFP.Caption is "Microsoft Visual FoxPro Advanced".          |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, the default value of _VFP.Caption is "Microsoft Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64)".    |
     | _VSBUILD???      | C    | Specify a program that will be called from Visual Studio to build an application.                                 |
     |                  |      | Only for internal using in Visual FoxPro, we can not use the system variable _VSBUILD.                            |
     | _WIN64???        | ?    | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, there is no the _WIN64 system variable.                                          |
     |                  | L    | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, it always returns false (.F.).                                                    |
     |                  | L    | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns true (.T.).                                                     |
     | _WINDOWS         | L    | Included for backward compatibility.                                                                              |
     |                  |      | The default value is .T. in Visual FoxPro for Windows.                                                            |
     |                  |      | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, it always returns true (.T.).                                                    |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, it always returns true (.T.).                                                     |
     |                  |      | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns true (.T.).                                                     |
     | _WIZARD          | C    | Specify the name of the Visual FoxPro wizard application.                                                         |
     |                  |      | The default value is one of "WIZARD.EXE", *"WIZARD.APP", "WIZARD.FXP", "WIZARD.PRG".                              |
     |                  |      | If there is no the file, it will be set to an empty string.                                                       |
     | _WRAP            | L    | Specify whether to wrap.                                                                                          |
     |                  |      | Included for backward compatibility. The report designer can be used instead.                                     |
     |                  |      | The default value is false (.F.).                                                                                 |

2. LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY COMMAND (from dv_foxhelp9.chm):

     Visual FoxPro Advanced ( Language Reference.
     Displays the current contents of variables and arrays.
     LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY [LIKE FileSkeleton]

     LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY displays the name, type, contents, scope, and status of all currently defined variables and variable arrays.
     It includes the number of variables defined, the number of bytes used, and the number of additional variables available. 
     LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY also displays information about system variables, menus, menu bars, menu titles, and windows.

     In VFP 6.0, there are 74 system variables defined, LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY only displays 69 system variables information,
     it does not display the following system variables information:

     In VFP 7.0, there are 81 system variables defined, LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY only displays 76 system variables information,
     it displays the system variable _VSBUILD to ":" (a little bug),
     it does not display the following system variables information:

     In VFP 8.0, there are 85 system variables defined, LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY only displays 79 system variables information,
     it does not display the following system variables information:

     In VFP 9.0, there are 90 system variables defined, LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY only displays 84 system variables information,
     it does not display the following system variables information:

     In VFP Advanced 32-bit version and VFP Advanced 64-bit version,
     there are 91 system variables defined, LIST | DISPLAY MEMORY only displays 87 system variables information,
     it does not display the following system variables information:


     1, baiyujia.com:

     2, github.io:

     3, yaldex.com:

     4, vfphelp.com:

     5, dfpug.com:


     For reference only, there is no guarantees.

     Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com.