                                 January 2024

1. THE SYS() FUNCTIONS (from dv_foxhelp9.chm):

     Visual FoxPro Advanced ( Language Reference.
     SYS() Functions Overview
     Returns Microsoft Visual FoxPro system information.

     Return Value
     Visual FoxPro SYS() functions return character values that contain useful system information.
     The following table shows what each SYS() function returns:

     | Function                   | Information returned                                                           |
     | SYS(0)                     | Network machine information.                                                   |
     | SYS(1)                     | Julian system date.                                                            |
     | SYS(2)                     | Seconds since midnight.                                                        |
     | SYS(3)                     | Legal file name.                                                               |
     | SYS(4)???                  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(5)                     | Default drive or volume.                                                       |
     | SYS(6)                     | Current printer device.                                                        |
     | SYS(7)                     | Current format file.                                                           |
     | SYS(8)???                  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(9)                     | Visual FoxPro serial number.                                                   |
     | SYS(10)                    | String from Julian day number.                                                 |
     | SYS(11)                    | Julian day number.                                                             |
     | SYS(12)                    | Available memory in bytes.                                                     |
     | SYS(13)                    | Printer status.                                                                |
     | SYS(14)                    | Index expression.                                                              |
     | SYS(15)                    | Character translation.                                                         |
     | SYS(16)                    | Executing program file name.                                                   |
     | SYS(17)                    | Processor in use.                                                              |
     |                            | In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, usually it returns "Pentium".                 |
     |                            | In VFP Advanced 32-bit version, usually it returns "Pentium".                  |
     |                            | In VFP Advanced 64-bit version, it always returns "X64 (AMD or Intel)".        |
     | SYS(18)                    | Current control.                                                               |
     | SYS(19)???                 | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(20)                    | Transform German text.                                                         |
     | SYS(21)                    | Controlling index number.                                                      |
     | SYS(22)                    | Controlling tag or index name.                                                 |
     | SYS(23)                    | FoxPro EMS memory usage.                                                       |
     | SYS(24)                    | EMS memory limit.                                                              |
     | SYS(25) to SYS(99)???      | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(100)                   | Console setting. Included for backward compatibility.                          |
     |                            | Use SET("CONSOLE") instead.                                                    |
     | SYS(101)                   | Device setting. Included for backward compatibility.                           |
     |                            | Use SET("DEVICE") instead.                                                     |
     | SYS(102)                   | Printer setting. Included for backward compatibility.                          |
     |                            | Use SET("PRINTER") instead.                                                    |
     | SYS(103)                   | Talk setting. Included for backward compatibility.                             |
     |                            | Use SET("TALK") instead.                                                       |
     | SYS(104)???                | SYS(104): Unknown function, returns an empty string.                           |
     |                            | SYS(104,0): Unknown function, returns an empty string.                         |
     |                            | SYS(104,1): Unknown function, returns an empty string.                         |
     |                            | SYS(104,other): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                      |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     | SYS(105) to SYS(601)???    | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(602)                   | Bitmap Configuration.                                                          |
     | SYS(603) to SYS(985)???    | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(986)???                | SYS(986): Unknown function, returns .F.                                        |
     |                            | SYS(986,0): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,1): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,2): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,3): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,4): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,5): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,6): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,7): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,8): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,9): Unknown function, returns .T.                                      |
     |                            | SYS(986,10): Unknown function, returns .T.                                     |
     |                            | SYS(986,>10): Unknown function, returns .F.                                    |
     |                            | SYS(986,0,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,1,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,2,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,3,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,4,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,5,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,6,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,7,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,8,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,9,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                          |
     |                            | SYS(986,10,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .T.|.F.                         |
     |                            | SYS(986,>10,.T.|.F.): Unknown function, returns .F.                            |
     | SYS(987)                   | Map Remote Data to ANSI.                                                       |
     | SYS(988)???                | SYS(988): Unknown function, returns SYS(988) current setting (.T.|.F.).        |
     |                            | SYS(988,.T.): set SYS(988)=.T., returns SYS(988) previous setting.             |
     |                            | SYS(988,.F.): set SYS(988)=.F., returns SYS(988) previous setting.             |
     |                            | SYS(988,other): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                      |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     | SYS(989)???                | SYS(989): Unknown function, returns SYS(989) current setting (1|0).            |
     |                            | SYS(989,1): set SYS(989)=1, returns SYS(989) previous setting.                 |
     |                            | SYS(989,0): set SYS(989)=0, returns SYS(989) previous setting.                 |
     |                            | SYS(989,other): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                      |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     |                            | In the runtime version: error 1 (Feature is not available (Error 1001)).       |
     | SYS(990) to SYS(998)???    | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(999)???                | SYS(999,0-4999): Dialog resource number %d.                                    |
     |                            | SYS(999,other): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                      |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     | SYS(1000)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1001)                  | Total Visual FoxPro memory.                                                    |
     | SYS(1002)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1003)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1004)???               | User object memory use, it is the same as SYS(1016).                           |
     | SYS(1005)???               | Number of Allocated Memory Handles.                                            |
     | SYS(1006)???               | Number of freed Memory Handles.                                                |
     | SYS(1007)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1008)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1009)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1010)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1011)                  | Number of using Memory Handles, SYS(1011) = SYS(1005) - SYS(1006).             |
     | SYS(1012)???               | Maximum Number of used Memory Handles - Number of using Memory Handles.        |
     | SYS(1013)???               | Available Visual FoxPro memory, SYS(1013) = SYS(1001) - SYS(1016).             |
     | SYS(1014)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1015)???               | Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                                        |
     | SYS(1016)                  | User object memory use.                                                        |
     | SYS(1017)???               | User object maximum memory use.                                                |
     | SYS(1018)???               | Unknown function, returns "Hold Index Lock during TableUpdate: On"             |
     |                            | or "Hold Index Lock during TableUpdate: Off".                                  |
     | SYS(1019)???               | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(1020)???               | Resuming Normal Operation.                                                     |
     |                            | (Feature not available in Demo version).                                       |
     | SYS(1021)???               | Diagnostic Mode Entered - SYS(1020) Exits.                                     |
     |                            | (Feature not available in Demo version).                                       |
     | SYS(1022)???               | Diagnostic Mode Enabled or Disabled, returns an empty string.                  |
     | SYS(1023)                  | Enable Help diagnostic mode.                                                   |
     | SYS(1024)                  | Disable Help diagnostic mode.                                                  |
     | SYS(1025)???               | Unknown function, returns an empty string.                                     |
     | SYS(1026) to SYS(1027)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(1028)???               | Unknown function, scan F00DDEAD, max 0x200 times, returns an empty string.     |
     | SYS(1029)???               | SYS(1029): error 200 (Syntax error (Error 10)).                                |
     |                            | SYS(1029,0): creates old(fox) style menus.                                     |
     |                            | SYS(1029,1-65535): creates new(vfp) style menus.                               |
     |                            | SYS(1029,other): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                     |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     | SYS(1030)???               | Enables Desktop Window Manager (DWM) composition.                              |
     | SYS(1031) to SYS(1036)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(1037)                  | Page Setup Dialog Box.                                                         |
     | SYS(1038)???               | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(1039)???               | SYS(1039): Unknown function, error 302 (Data type mismatch (Error 9)).         |
     |                            | SYS(1039,0): returns "OFF".                                                    |
     |                            | SYS(1039,#0): returns "ON".                                                    |
     | SYS(1040) to SYS(1077)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(1078)???               | SYS(1078): Unknown function, returns an empty string.                          |
     |                            | SYS(1078,0): set [Data93cc00]=0, returns an empty string.                      |
     |                            | SYS(1078,#0): set [Data93cc00]=1, returns an empty string.                     |
     | SYS(1079)???               | SYS(1079): Messagebox("Cause an intentional crash for test purposes",1),       |
     |                            | OK or Cancel?                                                                  |
     |                            | SYS(1079,any): C0000005 crash.                                                 |
     | SYS(1080) to SYS(1100)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(1101)???               | The maximum buffer memory size.                                                |
     | SYS(1102)???               | The using buffer memory size.                                                  |
     | SYS(1103)???               | The using buffer memory size - the cached virtual memory size.                 |
     | SYS(1104)                  | Purge Cached Memory.                                                           |
     | SYS(1105)???               | The using file data buffer size.                                               |
     | SYS(1106) to SYS(1268)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(1269)                  | Property Information.                                                          |
     | SYS(1270)                  | Object Location.                                                               |
     | SYS(1271)                  | Object's .SCX File.                                                            |
     | SYS(1272)                  | Object Hierarchy.                                                              |
     | SYS(1273) to SYS(1499)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(1500)                  | Activate a menu item.                                                          |
     | SYS(1501) to SYS(1999)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2000)                  | File name wildcard match.                                                      |
     | SYS(2001)                  | SET command status.                                                            |
     | SYS(2002)                  | Turn insertion point on or off.                                                |
     | SYS(2003)                  | Current directory.                                                             |
     | SYS(2004)                  | Visual FoxPro start directory.                                                 |
     | SYS(2005)                  | Current resource file.                                                         |
     | SYS(2006)                  | Current graphics card.                                                         |
     | SYS(2007)                  | Checksum value.                                                                |
     | SYS(2008)???               | Specifies shape of insert and overwrite mode cursors (for MS-DOS only).        |
     |                            | SYS(2008): [Data93a7f4]=1543, [Data9321c8]=7.                                  |
     |                            | SYS(2008,"I..."|"i..."): [Data93a7f4]=1543.                                    |
     |                            | SYS(2008,"O..."|"o..."): [Data93a7f4]=7.                                       |
     | SYS(2009)???               | Swaps the shape of the insert and overwrite mode cursors (for MS-DOS only).    |
     |                            | exchange 1, [Data93a7f4]=7, [Data9321c8]=1543.                                 |
     |                            | exchange 2, [Data93a7f4]=1543, [Data9321c8]=7.                                 |
     | SYS(2010)                  | CONFIG.SYS file settings.                                                      |
     | SYS(2011)                  | Current lock status.                                                           |
     | SYS(2012)                  | Memo field block size.                                                         |
     | SYS(2013)                  | System menu name string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2014)                  | Minimum path.                                                                  |
     | SYS(2015)                  | Unique procedure name.                                                         |
     | SYS(2016)                  | SHOW GETS WINDOW name.                                                         |
     | SYS(2017)                  | Checksum value based on the current record in the current work area.           |
     | SYS(2018)                  | Error message parameter.                                                       |
     | SYS(2019)                  | Configuration file name and location.                                          |
     | SYS(2020)                  | Default disk free space.                                                       |
     | SYS(2021)                  | Filtered index expression.                                                     |
     | SYS(2022)                  | Disk cluster (block) size.                                                     |
     | SYS(2023)                  | Temporary Path.                                                                |
     | SYS(2024)                  | Detect report cancellation                                                     |
     | SYS(2025)???               | Call WNetGetUser(), If the function succeeds then returns "Y",                 |
     |                            | If the function fails (ERROR_NO_NETWORK) then returns "N".                     |
     | SYS(2026)???               | SYS(2026): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                           |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     |                            | SYS(2026,filename): if the file is a calling form file (.SCX)                  |
     |                            | then returns "Y", else returns "N".                                            |
     | SYS(2027)???               | Returns an MS-DOS path with Macintosh path notation.                           |
     |                            | SYS(2027,filename): Same as LOWER(FULLPATH(filename)).                         |
     | SYS(2028)???               | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2029)                  | Table type.                                                                    |
     | SYS(2030)                  | Debug.                                                                         |
     | SYS(2031) to SYS(2032)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2033)???               | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2034) to SYS(2039)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2040)                  | Detect Report Status.                                                          |
     | SYS(2041) to SYS(2049)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2050)???               | SYS(2050): Unknown function, returns 0 (number).                               |
     |                            | SYS(2050,0-10): returns the parameter sent in (number).                        |
     |                            | SYS(2050,other): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                     |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     | SYS(2051) to SYS(2059)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2060)                  | Mouse wheel event handling setting.                                            |
     | SYS(2061) to SYS(2299)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2300)                  | Add or Remove Code Page.                                                       |
     | SYS(2301)to SYS(2324)???   | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2325)                  | Returns the hWnd of a client window from the parent window's WHANDLE.          |
     | SYS(2326)                  | Returns a Visual FoxPro WHANDLE from a window's hWnd.                          |
     | SYS(2327)                  | Returns a window's hWnd from a Visual FoxPro window's WHANDLE.                 |
     | SYS(2328) to SYS(2331)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2332)???               | SYS(2332): Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                             |
     |                            | SYS(2332,object): if not a valid ActiveX object then error 420                 |
     |                            | (OLE object is invalid or corrupted (Error 1420)).                             |
     | SYS(2333)                  | ActiveX Dual Interface Support.                                                |
     | SYS(2334)                  | Automation Server Invocation Mode (only in the runtime version).               |
     | SYS(2335)                  | Unattended Server Mode (only in the runtime version).                          |
     | SYS(2336)                  | Critical Section Support (only in the multithreaded runtime version).          |
     | SYS(2337)???               | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2338)???               | SYS(2338): Unknown function, returns an empty string.                          |
     |                            | SYS(2338,string): if len(string)<=8 then returns the input string,             |
     |                            | if len(string)>8 then error 385 (Function argument value, type,                |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     | SYS(2339)                  | Call CoFreeUnusedLibraries when COM object is released.                        |
     | SYS(2340)                  | NT Service Support.                                                            |
     | SYS(2341) to SYS(2399)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2400)???               | SYS(2400): Unknown function, returns "0" (string).                             |
     |                            | SYS(2400,0): returns "0" (string).                                             |
     |                            | SYS(2400,1): returns an empty string.                                          |
     |                            | SYS(2400,other): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                     |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     | SYS(2401) to SYS(2409)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2410)                  | Error handler type for an error.                                               |
     | SYS(2411) to SYS(2449)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2450)                  | Application Search Path Order.                                                 |
     | SYS(2451) to SYS(2599)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2600)                  | Returns Pointer As String.                                                     |
     | SYS(2601) to SYS(2699)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2700)                  | Enables Windows XP Themes.                                                     |
     | SYS(2701)???               | Unknown function, wsprintf(buf,"{l:%d,t:%d, w:%d, h:%d}",                      |
     |                            | left,top,width,height), allways returns "{l:0,t:0, w:0, h:0}".                 |
     | SYS(2702) to SYS(2799)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2800)                  | Accessibility Support.                                                         |
     | SYS(2801)                  | Event Tracking Support.                                                        |
     | SYS(2802) to SYS(2900)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2901)???               | Visual FoxPro String Table.                                                    |
     | SYS(2902) to SYS(2909)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(2910)                  | Sets or returns the number of items to display in drop down list boxes.        |
     | SYS(2911) to SYS(3000)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(3001)???               | SYS(3001): Unknown function, error 385 (Function argument value, type,         |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     |                            | SYS(3001,number): Unknown function, returns an empty string.                   |
     |                            | SYS(3001,number,string1,string2): Unknown function, returns an empty string.   |
     | SYS(3002) to SYS(3003)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(3004)                  | Returns Locale ID.                                                             |
     | SYS(3005)                  | Set Locale ID.                                                                 |
     | SYS(3006)                  | Set Language and Locale IDs.                                                   |
     | SYS(3007)                  | Specifies a font language script for ToolTips.                                 |
     | SYS(3008)                  | Hyperlink Tooltips.                                                            |
     | SYS(3009)                  | Bidirectional text justification for ToolTips.                                 |
     | SYS(3010) to SYS(3049)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(3050)                  | Set Buffer Memory Size.                                                        |
     | SYS(3051)                  | Set Lock Retry Interval.                                                       |
     | SYS(3052)                  | Override SET REPROCESS Locking.                                                |
     | SYS(3053)                  | ODBC Environment Handle.                                                       |
     | SYS(3054)                  | Rushmore Query Optimization Level.                                             |
     | SYS(3055)                  | FOR and WHERE Clause Complexity.                                               |
     | SYS(3056)                  | Read Registry Settings.                                                        |
     | SYS(3057) to SYS(3064)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(3065)                  | Internal Program Cache.                                                        |
     | SYS(3066) to SYS(3069)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(3070)???               | Unknown function, Icecap profiling turned on.                                  |
     |                            | LoadLibrary("icecap.dll"), returns an empty string.                            |
     |                            | In Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64), VSPerf100 profiling turned on.                |
     |                            | LoadLibrary("VSPerf100.dll"), returns an empty string.                         |
     | SYS(3071)???               | Unknown function, Icecap profiling turned off.                                 |
     |                            | If LoadLibrary("icecap.dll") failed, returns an empty string.                  |
     |                            | In Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64), VSPerf100 profiling turned off.               |
     |                            | If LoadLibrary("VSPerf100.dll") failed, returns an empty string.               |
     | SYS(3072) to SYS(3089)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(3090)???               | SYS(3090): Unknown function, returns SYS(3090) current setting 0|1 (number).   |
     |                            | SYS(3090,0): set SYS(3090)=0, returns SYS(3090) previous setting.              |
     |                            | SYS(3090,1): set SYS(3090)=1, returns SYS(3090) previous setting.              |
     |                            | SYS(3090,other): error 385 (Function argument value, type,                     |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     | SYS(3091)???               | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(3092)                  | Output Rushmore Query Optimization Level                                       |
     | SYS(3093)???               | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(3094)???               | SYS(3094): Unknown function, error 385 (Function argument value, type,         |
     |                            | or count is invalid (Error 11)).                                               |
     |                            | SYS(3094,object): returns Object Reference.                                    |
     | SYS(3095)                  | IDispatch Pointer.                                                             |
     | SYS(3096)                  | IDispatch Object Reference.                                                    |
     | SYS(3097)                  | Add Reference to Object.                                                       |
     | SYS(3098)                  | Release Object Reference.                                                      |
     | SYS(3099)                  | SQL Data Engine Compatibility Mode.                                            |
     | SYS(3100)???               | SYS(3100): Unknown function, returns an empty string.                          |
     |                            | SYS(3100,number): Unknown function, returns an empty string.                   |
     | SYS(3101)                  | COM Code Page Translation                                                      |
     | SYS(3102)???               | Enables or disables always allocating virtual memory for file data buffer.     |
     |                            | SYS(3102,.F.): Disables always allocating virtual memory for file data buffer. |
     |                            | SYS(3102,.T.): Enables always allocating virtual memory for file data buffer.  |
     | SYS(3103) to SYS(3999)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(4000)???               | Unknown function, error 1 (Feature is not available (Error 1001)).             |
     | SYS(4001)???               | Unknown function, error 1 (Feature is not available (Error 1001)).             |
     | SYS(4002)???               | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(4003)???               | Unknown function, error 1 (Feature is not available (Error 1001)).             |
     | SYS(4004)???               | Unknown function, error 1 (Feature is not available (Error 1001)).             |
     | SYS(4005) to SYS(4009)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(4010)???               | Unknown function, error 1 (Feature is not available (Error 1001)).             |
     | SYS(4011) to SYS(4014)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(4015)???               | The AlignRight setting from the windows registry.                              |
     | SYS(4016) to SYS(8999)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(9000)                  | Enables or disables docking the dockable windows automatically                 |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9001)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the precision of the floating-point numbers      |
     |                            | for the ROUND() function (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                     |
     | SYS(9002)                  | Enables or disables rounding the datetime data to integer seconds              |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9003)                  | Enables or disables fixing the datetime data for the VFPOLEDB driver           |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced 32-bit).                                       |
     | SYS(9004)                  | Enables or disables fixing the CAST() function for the VFPOLEDB driver         |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced 32-bit).                                       |
     | SYS(9005)                  | Shows or hides the Printing window                                             |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9006)                  | Shows or hides the Print Preview toolbar                                       |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9007)                  | Enables or disables the Print button in the Print Preview toolbar              |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9008)                  | Enables or disables maximizing the report preview window automatically         |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9009)                  | Enables or disables fixing the report objects are too large                    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9010)                  | Enables or disables fixing the cursor position is too small                    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9011)                  | Sets or returns the maximum number of window items to display in the Window    |
     |                            | menu (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                         |
     | SYS(9012)                  | Sets or returns the direction of the list portion of the combobox control      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9013)                  | Enables or disables the FILETOSTR() function to use the windows system cache   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9014)                  | Enables or disables the STRTOFILE() function to use the windows system cache   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9015)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after delete file failed      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9016)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after create directory        |
     |                            | failed (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                       |
     | SYS(9017)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after remove directory        |
     |                            | failed (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                       |
     | SYS(9018)                  | Enables or Disables the VERSION() function to return the new version           |
     |                            | information (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                  |
     | SYS(9019)                  | Enables or Disables the OS() function to return the new operating system       |
     |                            | information (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                  |
     | SYS(9020)                  | Enables or Disables expanding the special terms in the configuration file      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9021)                  | Reset the special terms                                                        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9022)                  | Enables or disables the BUILD EXE command to use the windows system cache      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9023)                  | Enables or disables closing the file handle _TEXT before entry the ON ERROR    |
     |                            | routine (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                      |
     | SYS(9024)                  | Enables or disables reading data from the file in an executable file when      |
     |                            | end-of-file (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                  |
     | SYS(9025)                  | Enables or disables Creating the Private Variable in the TEXT TO Command       |
     |                            | Automatically (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                |
     | SYS(9026)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the precision of the floating-point numbers      |
     |                            | for the STR() function (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                       |
     | SYS(9027)                  | Returns the path of a special folder                                           |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9028)                  | Returns the current system date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9029)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after open file failed        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9030)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after lock file failed        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9031)                  | Enables or disables evaluating the Label.Caption property expression           |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9032)                  | Enables or disables the COMPILE DATABASE command to compile database files     |
     |                            | into new file format (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                         |
     | SYS(9033)                  | Enables or disables setting the maximum buffer memory size to the maximum      |
     |                            | foreground buffer memory size (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                |
     | SYS(9034)                  | Sets or returns the title bar text of the exception dialog box                 |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9035)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the precision of the floating-point numbers      |
     |                            | for the Division Operator (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                    |
     | SYS(9036)                  | Enables or disables checking available memory for creating a binary index      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9037)                  | Sets or returns the DPI awareness mode of the compiled executable files        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9038)                  | Sets or returns the request execution level of the compiled executable files   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9039)                  | Sets or returns the maximum number of recent documents                         |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9040)                  | Enables or disables recent documents history                                   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9041)                  | Enables or disables saving some changes                                        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9042)                  | Enables or disables saving some changes for the main Visual FoxPro window      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9043)                  | Sets or returns the maximum number of display rows within the command window   |
     |                            | at startup (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                   |
     | SYS(9044)                  | Enables or disables fixing the Grid.Optimize property                          |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9045)                  | Enables or disables fixing the Header.ToolTipText property                     |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9046)                  | Sets or returns the delay time in milliseconds after close file                |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9047)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after move file failed        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9048)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after pack dbf failed         |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9049)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after pack memo failed        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9050)                  | Enables or disables the question mark substitution in the SQLEXEC() function   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9051)                  | Enables or disables fixing the file name separated by commas in the DELETE     |
     |                            | FILE command (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                 |
     | SYS(9052)                  | Enables or disables converting invalid characters to uppercase for the         |
     |                            | TextBox control (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                              |
     | SYS(9053)                  | Enables or disables fixing the pointer of p-code for the RowSource property    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9054)                  | Enables or disables fixing the activate menu bar name in the ON PAD command    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9055)                  | Sets or returns the window style of the window being created                   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9056)                  | Sets or returns the extended window style of the window being created          |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9057)                  | Enables or disables purging cached virtual memory in the SYS(1104) function    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9058)                  | Enables or disables purging cached memory and try again after the FILETOSTR()  |
     |                            | function failed (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                              |
     | SYS(9059)                  | Sets or returns the maximum number of characters per character string or       |
     |                            | memory variable (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                              |
     | SYS(9060)                  | Enables or disables making the Project Manager window visible when building    |
     |                            | a project (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                    |
     | SYS(9061)                  | Enables or disables checking the destination file for the COPY TO textfile     |
     |                            | DELIMITED command (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                            |
     | SYS(9062)                  | Sets or returns the variable behavior for the variable name without mdot       |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9063)                  | Sets or returns the maximum number of characters for the FGETS() function      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9064)                  | Enables or disables fixing the label captions are displayed with shadow        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9065)                  | Enables or disables the Close button in the Print Preview toolbar              |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9066)                  | Enables or disables fixing the checkbox captions are displayed with shadow     |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9067)                  | Enables or disables fixing the optionbutton captions are displayed with        |
     |                            | shadow (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                       |
     | SYS(9068)                  | Enables or disables fixing the focus rectangle disappeared                     |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9069)                  | Enables or disables fixing the ListBox control is displayed outside the        |
     |                            | Container control (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                            |
     | SYS(9070)                  | Enables or disables fixing the Anchor property                                 |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9071)                  | Enables or disables fast updating memo file commands                           |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9072)                  | Enables or disables fast string functions                                      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9073)                  | Enables or disables saving Negative Coordinates for the main Visual FoxPro     |
     |                            | window (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                       |
     | SYS(9074)                  | Sets or returns access files retry interval                                    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9075)                  | Enables or Disables the Page Setup dialog box with the Printer and             |
     |                            | Properties buttons (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                           |
     | SYS(9076)                  | Enables or Disables the curly brackets substitution in the send output         |
     |                            | directly to the printer command (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).              |
     | SYS(9077)                  | Enables or Disables checking available memory for comparing strings            |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9078)                  | Enables or Disables comparing large strings                                    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9079)                  | Clean the system data buffer                                                   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64)).                                        |
     | SYS(9080)                  | Enables or disables releasing the COM object                                   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64)).                                        |
     | SYS(9081)                  | Enables or disables supporting large files                                     |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced 10.1 or later).                                |
     | SYS(9082)                  | Enables or disables supporting large memory                                    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced 10.2 or later).                                |
     | SYS(9083)                  | Sets or returns the number of processes for Visual FoxPro Large Memory         |
     |                            | Manager (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced 10.2 or later).                        |
     | SYS(9084)                  | Returns the amount of large memory used                                        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced 10.2 or later).                                |
     | SYS(9085)                  | Enables or disables locking large files                                        |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced 10.1 or later).                                |
     | SYS(9086)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after map physical memory     |
     |                            | pages failed (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                 |
     | SYS(9087)                  | Sets or returns the copy memory mode for Visual FoxPro Large Memory Driver     |
     |                            | (VFPLMD) (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                     |
     | SYS(9088)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after access large memory     |
     |                            | failed (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                       |
     | SYS(9089)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after set the working set     |
     |                            | size failed (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                  |
     | SYS(9090)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after lock memory into the    |
     |                            | working set failed (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                           |
     | SYS(9091) to SYS(9099)???  | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(9100)                  | Enables or Disables catching the memory access violation exception             |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9101)                  | Enables or Disables catching the internal consistency error                    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9102)                  | Enables or disables checking the destination file for the create table file    |
     |                            | commands (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                     |
     | SYS(9103)                  | Enables or disables creating a new command window history file before Visual   |
     |                            | FoxPro exits (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                 |
     | SYS(9104)                  | Enables or disables checking code page for Rushmore Query Optimization         |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9105)                  | Enables or disables compiling procedures into Large Procedure format           |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9106)                  | Enables or disables fixing invisible breakpoints in the debugger               |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9107)                  | Enables or disables fixing the Access and Assign methods                       |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9108)                  | Enables or disables fixing preprocessor errors for the COMPILE command         |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9109)                  | Enables or disables fixing the internal consistency error for Visual FoxPro    |
     |                            | IntelliSense (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                 |
     | SYS(9110)                  | Enables or disables fixing the GETPEM() function                               |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9111)                  | Enables or disables fixing the ASTACKINFO() function                           |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9112)                  | Enables or disables fixing the DO FORM command                                 |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9113)                  | Enables or disables fixing the RETURN TO command                               |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9114)                  | Enables or disables fixing the Page.Enabled property                           |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9115)                  | Enables or disables fast moving record pointer commands (More Rushmore Query   |
     |                            | Optimization) (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                |
     | SYS(9116)                  | Returns the structure nesting level                                            |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9117)                  | Enables or disables Data Execution Prevention (DEP) for the current process    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9118)                  | Enables or disables clearing the compiled program buffer after change the      |
     |                            | default directory (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                            |
     | SYS(9119)                  | Enables or disables fixing the macro substitution specifies the name with      |
     |                            | an array element (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                             |
     | SYS(9120)                  | Sets or returns the file type of the Visual C++ runtime library of the         |
     |                            | compiled executable files (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64)).              |
     | SYS(9121)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after open clipboard failed   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9122)                  | Sets or returns the copy file mode for the COPY FILE command                   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64)).                                        |
     | SYS(9123)                  | Enables or disables fixing the Column.DynamicCurrentControl property           |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9124)                  | Enables or disables displaying more error messages for the error expression    |
     |                            | is invalid (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                   |
     | SYS(9125)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the precision of the floating-point numbers      |
     |                            | for the INT() function (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                       |
     | SYS(9126)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the precision of the floating-point numbers      |
     |                            | for the FLOOR() function (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                     |
     | SYS(9127)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the precision of the floating-point numbers      |
     |                            | for the CEILING() function (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                   |
     | SYS(9128)                  | Sets or returns the number of times to try again after open table file failed  |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9129)                  | Enables or disables the MESSAGE() function to return the expression error      |
     |                            | message (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                      |
     | SYS(9130)                  | Enables or disables all commands to reset the Object.Name property             |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9131)                  | Enables or disables the MAX() and MIN() functions in the SELECT-SQL command    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9132)                  | Sets or returns access files retry interval after open file failed             |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9133)                  | Sets or returns access files retry interval after open table file failed       |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9134)                  | Enables or disables always allocating virtual memory (0x10000 bytes) for file  |
     |                            | data buffer (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                  |
     | SYS(9135)                  | Enables or disables mapping VARCHAR(MAX) fields in SQL Server to Memo fields   |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9136)                  | Enables or disables mapping VARBINARY(MAX) fields in SQL Server to Blob fields |
     |                            | or General fields (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                            |
     | SYS(9137)                  | Enables or disables mapping XML fields in SQL Server to Memo fields            |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9138)                  | Enables or disables allocating more memory for Rushmore Query Optimization     |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9139)                  | Sets or returns access files retry interval after create compound file failed  |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9140)                  | Returns the maximum amount of memory in pages for file data buffer             |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9141)                  | Enables or disables cleaning the temporary path in the compiled executable     |
     |                            | files (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                        |
     | SYS(9142)                  | Enables or disables checking the uppercase file names in the compiled          |
     |                            | executable files (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                             |
     | SYS(9143)                  | Enables or disables opening structural compound index files with the table     |
     |                            | automatically (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                |
     | SYS(9144)                  | Enables or disables opening nonstructural compound index files with the table  |
     |                            | automatically (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                |
     | SYS(9145)                  | Enables or disables opening standalone index files with the table              |
     |                            | automatically (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                |
     | SYS(9146)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the precision of the floating-point constants    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9147)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the precision of the floating-point constants    |
     |                            | for the division operator (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                    |
     | SYS(9148)                  | Enables or disables adjusting the length of the returned string of asterisks   |
     |                            | when converting an integer to a string (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).       |
     | SYS(9149)                  | Enables or disables checking the report system variables                       |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9150)                  | Enables or disables displaying an asterisk after file name on window title bar |
     |                            | when the MODIFY window is in edit mode (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).       |
     | SYS(9151)                  | Enables or disables the new access keys for the menu items Enlarge Font and    |
     |                            | Reduce Font (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                  |
     | SYS(9152)                  | Enables or disables the new access keys for the menu items Indent and          |
     |                            | Unindent (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                     |
     | SYS(9153)                  | Enables or disables the new access keys for the menu items Comment and         |
     |                            | Uncomment (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                    |
     | SYS(9154)                  | Enables or disables Windows XP themes support for a window created with the    |
     |                            | DEFINE WINDOW command (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                        |
     | SYS(9155)                  | Enables or disables fixing report footer                                       |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9156)                  | Returns the name of the memo file open in a specified work area or a table     |
     |                            | name from a table alias (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                      |
     | SYS(9157)                  | Enables or disables closing the file handle after the FILETOSTR() function     |
     |                            | failed (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                       |
     | SYS(9158)                  | Enables or disables fixing the INLIST() function for Rushmore Query            |
     |                            | Optimization (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                 |
     | SYS(9159)                  | Enables or disables fixing the EVALUATE() function for Rushmore Query          |
     |                            | Optimization (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                 |
     | SYS(9160)                  | Enables or disables fixing the EXECSCRIPT() function for Rushmore Query        |
     |                            | Optimization (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                 |
     | SYS(9161)                  | Enables or disables fixing the SET COVERAGE command                            |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9162)                  | Enables or disables fixing the Find or Replace Dialog Box                      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9163)                  | Enables or disables the Modern Print Dialog                                    |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9164)                  | Enables or disables fixing the file data buffer internal consistency error     |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9165)                  | Enables or disables checking the file data buffer                              |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9166)                  | Enables or disables Rushmore Query Optimization in the WHERE clause            |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9167)                  | Enables or disables always adding the NOFILTER option in the INTO CURSOR       |
     |                            | clause (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                       |
     | SYS(9168)                  | Enables or disables always adding the READWRITE option in the INTO CURSOR      |
     |                            | clause (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                       |
     | SYS(9169)                  | Enables or disables always copying files on disk in the COPY FILE command      |
     |                            | (only in Visual FoxPro Advanced).                                              |
     | SYS(9170) to SYS(10000)??? | Returns an empty string.                                                       |
     | SYS(<0)???                 | Same as SYS(0).                                                                |
     | SYS(>10000)???             | Same as SYS(10000).                                                            |


     1, baiyujia.com:

     2, sweetpotatosoftware.com:

     3, mzvfp.com:

     4, foxite.com:

     5, foxpert.com:

     6, lafox.org:

     7, foxclub.ru:

     8, microsoft.com:


     For reference only, there is no guarantees.

     Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com.