------------------------------------------------------------ [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - SET COVERAGE COMMAND January 2025 ------------------------------------------------------------ CCB 1. BUG: In vfp9, in the coverage profiler log file, if the width of the execution time > 15, it will cause a buffer overflow, VFP will crash. In vfp8 (and vfp6, vfp7), in the coverage profiler log file, if the width of the execution time > 15, it will cause a buffer overflow, but VFP will not crash. 2. CAUSE: In VFP 9.0 and earlier versions, in the coverage profiler log file, usually the field type of the execution time is N(11,6), if the width of the execution time > 15, it will cause a buffer overflow, VFP will crash (in vfp9). In VFP Advanced, in the coverage profiler log file, if the width of the execution time > 15, VFP will save 15 characters in the execution time, so there is no the bug. There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Label5c77a5 :: mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9370e8 ] ;0x005c77a5 : a1e8709300 sub eax , dword ptr [ Data937104 ] ;0x005c77aa : 2b0504719300 pushd 038h ;0x005c77b0 : 6a38 cdq ;0x005c77b2 : 99 pop esi ;0x005c77b3 : 5e idiv esi ;0x005c77b4 : f7fe mov esi , eax ;0x005c77b6 : 8bf0 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data936d1c ] ;0x005c77b8 : a11c6d9300 shl esi , 04h ;0x005c77bd : c1e604 add esi , dword ptr [eax] ;0x005c77c0 : 0330 cmp dword ptr [esi] , 00h ;0x005c77c2 : 833e00 jne Label4cec3b ;0x005c77c5 : 0f857074f0ff mov eax , dword ptr [ Data93757c ] ;0x005c77cb : a17c759300 imul ecx , ecx , 038h ;0x005c77d0 : 6bc938 lea eax , dword ptr [ eax + ecx + 4 ] ;0x005c77d3 : 8d440804 mov ecx , dword ptr [ esi + 4 ] ;0x005c77d7 : 8b4e04 mov edi , dword ptr [eax] ;0x005c77da : 8b38 mov dword ptr [eax] , ecx ;0x005c77dc : 8908 cmp dword ptr [ Data931e00 ] , 01h ;0x005c77de : 833d001e930001 jne Label5c780c ;0x005c77e5 : 7525 cmp dword ptr [ Data931e04 ] , 00h ;0x005c77e7 : 833d041e930000 jne Label5c780c ;0x005c77ee : 751c call Fun42e3f9 ;0x005c77f0 : e8046ce6ff sub eax , dword ptr [ esi + 8 ] ;0x005c77f5 : 2b4608 sbb edx , [ esi + 12 ] ;0x005c77f8 : 1b560c mov dword ptr [ ebp - 32 ] , eax ;0x005c77fb : 8945e0 mov dword ptr [ ebp - 28 ] , edx ;0x005c77fe : 8955e4 fild qword ptr [ ebp - 32 ] ;0x005c7801 : df6de0 fmul qword ptr [ Data91a398 ] ;0x005c7804 : dc0d98a39100 jmp Label5c7826 ;0x005c780a : eb1a Label5c780c :: lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 40 ] ;0x005c780c : 8d45d8 push eax ;0x005c780f : 50 call QueryPerformanceCounter ;0x005c7810 : ff1520709100 fild qword ptr [ ebp - 40 ] ;0x005c7816 : df6dd8 fild qword ptr [ esi + 8 ] ;0x005c7819 : df6e08 fsubp st(1) , st(0) ;0x005c781c : dee9 fild qword ptr [ Data931e00 ] ;0x005c781e : df2d001e9300 fdivp st(1) , st(0) ;0x005c7824 : def9 Label5c7826 :: ; ; ------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - SET COVERAGE COMMAND ; August 2024 ; ------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; In the coverage profiler log file, if the width of the execution time > 15, VFP will crash. ; ; 2024/8/8, by ccb ; ; push ecx ;0x005c7826 : 51 ; push ecx ;0x005c7827 : 51 ; fstp qword ptr [ esp ] ;0x005c7828 : dd1c24 ; lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 20 ] ;0x005c782b : 8d45ec ; pushd offset Data92a790 ;0x005c782e : 6890a79200 ; push eax ;0x005c7833 : 50 ; call Fun43089c ;0x005c7834 : e86390e6ff cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9161_data,00h jne Label5c7827 push ecx ;0x005c7826 : 51 push ecx ;0x005c7827 : 51 fstp qword ptr [ esp ] ;0x005c7828 : dd1c24 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 20 ] ;0x005c782b : 8d45ec pushd offset Data92a790 ;0x005c782e : 6890a79200 push eax ;0x005c7833 : 50 call Fun43089c ;0x005c7834 : e86390e6ff jmp Label5c7839 Label5c7827 :: sub esp , 100h lea eax , dword ptr [ esp + 00h ] push ecx ;0x005c7826 : 51 push ecx ;0x005c7827 : 51 fstp qword ptr [ esp ] ;0x005c7828 : dd1c24 pushd offset Data92a790 ;0x005c782e : 6890a79200 push eax ;0x005c7833 : 50 call Fun43089c ;0x005c7834 : e86390e6ff lea ecx , dword ptr [ esp + 00h ][10h] lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 20 ] push 10h push ecx push eax call lstrcpynA add esp , 100h jmp Label5c7839 Label5c7839 :: lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 20 ] ;0x005c7839 : 8d45ec pushd 02Ch ;0x005c783c : 6a2c push eax ;0x005c783e : 50 call _mbschr = qword ptr [ Data9370b0 ] ;0x005c783f : ff15b0709300 add esp , 018h ;0x005c7845 : 83c418 test eax , eax ;0x005c7848 : 85c0 je Label5c784f ;0x005c784a : 7403 mov byte ptr [eax] , 02Eh ;0x005c784c : c6002e Label5c784f :: lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 20 ] ;0x005c784f : 8d45ec lea edx , dword ptr [ eax + 1 ] ;0x005c7852 : 8d5001 Label5c7855 :: mov cl , byte ptr [eax] ;0x005c7855 : 8a08 inc eax ;0x005c7857 : 40 test cl , cl ;0x005c7858 : 84c9 jne Label5c7855 ;0x005c785a : 75f9 sub eax , edx ;0x005c785c : 2bc2 mov byte ptr [ ebp + eax - 20 ] , 02Ch ;0x005c785e : c64405ec2c inc eax ;0x005c7863 : 40 push eax ;0x005c7864 : 50 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp - 20 ] ;0x005c7865 : 8d45ec push eax ;0x005c7868 : 50 push dword ptr [ Data936c08 ] ;0x005c7869 : ff35086c9300 call Fun431e4d ;0x005c786f : e8d9a5e6ff mov eax , dword ptr [ Data936c08 ] ;0x005c7874 : a1086c9300 mov ecx , dword ptr [ Data93757c ] ;0x005c7879 : 8b0d7c759300 imul eax , eax , 038h ;0x005c787f : 6bc038 mov dword ptr [ eax + ecx + 4 ] , edi ;0x005c7882 : 897c0804 mov dword ptr [esi] , 01h ;0x005c7886 : c70601000000 jmp Label4cec3b ;0x005c788c : e9aa73f0ff 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix332.asp 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |