-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - CHECK THE DESTINATION FILE FOR THE COPY TO TEXTFILE DELIMITED COMMAND January 2025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), sometimes it causes the error "Invalid path or file name (Error 202)" or the error "File already exists as part of a database (Error 1529)" for the COPY TO textfile DELIMITED command. There is a test program: *PROC testcopytotextfiledelimited =STRTOFILE(CHR(0x30)+REPL("a",7)+CHR(0x00)+CHR(0x02)+CHR(0x00)+CHR(0x00)+REPL("a",1000),"test.tmp") SELE 0 CREATE CURSOR tmp1 (fld1 c(10)) APPEND BLANK REPL fld1 WITH "aaa" COPY TO "test.tmp" DELIMITED USE RETURN * END OF PROC TESTCOPYTOTEXTFILEDELIMITED. We think it will run fine, but vfp will cause the error "Invalid path or file name (Error 202)". 2. CAUSE: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), for the following COPY TO commands: COPY TO test.dbf COPY TO test.dbf TYPE FOXPLUS | FOX2X If the destination file exists, and it is a DBF file (or it seems it is a DBF file), vfp will check the destination file, if it is a table of a database (or it is not a free table), vfp will cause the error "File already exists as part of a database" (Error 1529). In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), for the following COPY TO commands: COPY TO test.txt TYPE DIF | MOD | SDF | SYLK | WK1 | WKS | WR1 | WRK | CSV | XLS | XL5 vfp will not check the destination file. In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), for the following COPY TO commands: COPY TO test.txt DELIMITED WITH Delimiter | WITH BLANK | WITH TAB | WITH CHARACTER Delimiter vfp will check the destination file. For example, run the following code in vfp9, COPY TO "test.tmp" DELIMITED for the destination file "test.tmp", it seems it is a DBF file (the first byte is CHR(0x30)), vfp will check the destination file, but in fact, it is not a valid DBF file, so vfp will cause the error "Invalid path or file name (Error 202)". In Visual FoxPro Advanced, for the following COPY TO commands: COPY TO test.txt DELIMITED WITH Delimiter | WITH BLANK | WITH TAB | WITH CHARACTER Delimiter vfp will NOT check the destination file. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Label4ba44c :: push ebp ;0x004ba44c : 55 mov eax , 02E94h ;0x004ba44d : b8942e0000 lea ebp , dword ptr [ esp - 120 ] ;0x004ba452 : 8d6c2488 call Fun42c118 ;0x004ba456 : e8bd1cf7ff mov eax , dword ptr [ Data937090 ] ;0x004ba45b : a190709300 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 116 ] , eax ;0x004ba460 : 894574 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] ;0x004ba463 : a1ac939300 movzx eax ,byte ptr [eax] ;0x004ba468 : 0fb600 push ebx ;0x004ba46b : 53 xor ebx , ebx ;0x004ba46c : 33db sub eax , 012h ;0x004ba46e : 83e812 push esi ;0x004ba471 : 56 push edi ;0x004ba472 : 57 mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD263h ] , bl ;0x004ba473 : 889d63d2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD261h ] , bl ;0x004ba479 : 889d61d2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD264h ] , bl ;0x004ba47f : 889d64d2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD266h ] , bl ;0x004ba485 : 889d66d2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD267h ] , bl ;0x004ba48b : 889d67d2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD265h ] , bl ;0x004ba491 : 889d65d2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD262h ] , bl ;0x004ba497 : 889d62d2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD260h ] , bl ;0x004ba49d : 889d60d2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD25Eh ] , bl ;0x004ba4a3 : 889d5ed2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD23Ch ] , bl ;0x004ba4a9 : 889d3cd2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD25Fh ] , bl ;0x004ba4af : 889d5fd2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD25Ah ] , bl ;0x004ba4b5 : 889d5ad2ffff mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD244h ] , 022h ;0x004ba4bb : c68544d2ffff22 mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD24Ch ] , 02Ch ;0x004ba4c2 : c6854cd2ffff2c mov dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD250h ] , ebx ;0x004ba4c9 : 899d50d2ffff je Label57a897 ;0x004ba4cf : 0f84c2030c00 sub eax , 09h ;0x004ba4d5 : 83e809 je Label57a88d ;0x004ba4d8 : 0f84af030c00 sub eax , 0A3h ;0x004ba4de : 2da3000000 je Label57a88d ;0x004ba4e3 : 0f84a4030c00 sub eax , 03h ;0x004ba4e9 : 83e803 je Label57a858 ;0x004ba4ec : 0f8466030c00 sub eax , 09h ;0x004ba4f2 : 83e809 je Label57a84e ;0x004ba4f5 : 0f8453030c00 call Fun52d193 ;0x004ba4fb : e8932c0700 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD240h ] , eax ;0x004ba500 : 898540d2ffff mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] ;0x004ba506 : a1ac939300 mov al , byte ptr [eax] ;0x004ba50b : 8a00 inc dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] ;0x004ba50d : ff05ac939300 cmp al , 028h ;0x004ba513 : 3c28 jne Label57a2c1 ;0x004ba515 : 0f85a6fd0b00 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] ;0x004ba51b : a1ac939300 cmp byte ptr [eax] , 04h ;0x004ba520 : 803804 je Label57a2cb ;0x004ba523 : 0f84a2fd0b00 call Fun522cc9 ;0x004ba529 : e89b870600 mov dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD234h ] , eax ;0x004ba52e : 898534d2ffff mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] ;0x004ba534 : a1ac939300 cmp byte ptr [eax] , 0CCh ;0x004ba539 : 8038cc je Label48861c ;0x004ba53c : 0f84dae0fcff Label4ba542 :: cmp byte ptr [eax] , 0D2h ;0x004ba542 : 8038d2 je Label57a2db ;0x004ba545 : 0f8490fd0b00 Label4ba54b :: cmp byte ptr [eax] , 0C0h ;0x004ba54b : 8038c0 je Label57a2ed ;0x004ba54e : 0f8499fd0b00 Label4ba554 :: pushd 04h ;0x004ba554 : 6a04 lea esi , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD268h ] ;0x004ba556 : 8db568d2ffff call Fun4ba369 ;0x004ba55c : e808feffff mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD26Ch ] ;0x004ba561 : 8b8d6cd2ffff mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD270h ] ;0x004ba567 : 8b8570d2ffff mov dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD248h ] , ecx ;0x004ba56d : 898d48d2ffff mov dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD238h ] , eax ;0x004ba573 : 898538d2ffff call Fun4ba424 ;0x004ba579 : e8a6feffff mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] ;0x004ba57e : a1ac939300 cmp byte ptr [eax] , 0D4h ;0x004ba583 : 8038d4 je Label57a2ff ;0x004ba586 : 0f8473fd0b00 Label4ba58c :: mov cl , byte ptr [eax] ;0x004ba58c : 8a08 movzx edx , cl ;0x004ba58e : 0fb6d1 add edx , 0FFFFFF46h ;0x004ba591 : 81c246ffffff cmp edx , 01Bh ;0x004ba597 : 83fa1b jbe Label57a30a ;0x004ba59a : 0f866afd0b00 Label4ba5a0 :: cmp byte ptr [eax] , 0BEh ;0x004ba5a0 : 8038be je Label57a46a ;0x004ba5a3 : 0f84c1fe0b00 Label4ba5a9 :: cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD25Ah ] , bl ;0x004ba5a9 : 389d5ad2ffff jne Label4ba5f8 ;0x004ba5af : 7547 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD267h ] , bl ;0x004ba5b1 : 389d67d2ffff jne Label4ba5f8 ;0x004ba5b7 : 753f cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD265h ] , bl ;0x004ba5b9 : 389d65d2ffff jne Label4ba5f8 ;0x004ba5bf : 7537 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD266h ] , bl ;0x004ba5c1 : 389d66d2ffff jne Label4ba5f8 ;0x004ba5c7 : 752f cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD262h ] , bl ;0x004ba5c9 : 389d62d2ffff jne Label57a51e ;0x004ba5cf : 0f8549ff0b00 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD264h ] , bl ;0x004ba5d5 : 389d64d2ffff mov ecx , offset Data919ea0 ;0x004ba5db : b9a09e9100 jne Label57a51e ;0x004ba5e0 : 0f8538ff0b00 Label4ba5e6 :: lea edi , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD254h ] ;0x004ba5e6 : 8dbd54d2ffff sub edi , ecx ;0x004ba5ec : 2bf9 Label4ba5ee :: mov dl , byte ptr [ecx] ;0x004ba5ee : 8a11 mov byte ptr [ edi + ecx ] , dl ;0x004ba5f0 : 88140f inc ecx ;0x004ba5f3 : 41 cmp dl , bl ;0x004ba5f4 : 3ad3 jne Label4ba5ee ;0x004ba5f6 : 75f6 Label4ba5f8 :: mov esi , eax ;0x004ba5f8 : 8bf0 mov eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD234h ] ;0x004ba5fa : 8b8534d2ffff mov dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] , eax ;0x004ba600 : a3ac939300 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFF6Ch ] ;0x004ba605 : 8d856cffffff push eax ;0x004ba60b : 50 xor edi , edi ;0x004ba60c : 33ff lea ebx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD254h ] ;0x004ba60e : 8d9d54d2ffff call Fun52a205 ;0x004ba614 : e8ecfb0600 cmp eax , 02h ;0x004ba619 : 83f802 je Label57a528 ;0x004ba61c : 0f8406ff0b00 cmp eax , 04h ;0x004ba622 : 83f804 je Label57a528 ;0x004ba625 : 0f84fdfe0b00 cmp byte ptr [esi] , 051h ;0x004ba62b : 803e51 mov dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] , esi ;0x004ba62e : 8935ac939300 je Label57a532 ;0x004ba634 : 0f84f8fe0b00 mov edi , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD248h ] ;0x004ba63a : 8bbd48d2ffff Label4ba640 :: cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD260h ] , 00h ;0x004ba640 : 80bd60d2ffff00 jne Label57a57a ;0x004ba647 : 0f852dff0b00 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD263h ] , 00h ;0x004ba64d : 80bd63d2ffff00 jne Label48862e ;0x004ba654 : 0f85d4dffcff Label4ba65a :: cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD261h ] , 00h ;0x004ba65a : 80bd61d2ffff00 jne Label57a5d1 ;0x004ba661 : 0f856aff0b00 Label4ba667 :: cmp dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD250h ] , 00h ;0x004ba667 : 83bd50d2ffff00 jne Label57a5e8 ;0x004ba66e : 0f8574ff0b00 Label4ba674 :: cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD25Ah ] , 00h ;0x004ba674 : 80bd5ad2ffff00 jne Label4ba6b6 ;0x004ba67b : 7539 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD267h ] , 00h ;0x004ba67d : 80bd67d2ffff00 jne Label4ba6b6 ;0x004ba684 : 7530 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD265h ] , 00h ;0x004ba686 : 80bd65d2ffff00 jne Label4ba6b6 ;0x004ba68d : 7527 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD262h ] , 00h ;0x004ba68f : 80bd62d2ffff00 jne Label4ba6b6 ;0x004ba696 : 751e cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD266h ] , 00h ;0x004ba698 : 80bd66d2ffff00 jne Label4ba6b6 ;0x004ba69f : 7515 ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - CHECK THE DESTINATION FILE FOR THE COPY TO TEXTFILE DELIMITED COMMAND ; June 2021 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; Check the destination file for the COPY TO textfile DELIMITED command. ; ; 2021/6/11, by ccb ; cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9061_data,00h jne Label4ba6a1 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD264h ] , 00h jne Label4ba6b6 Label4ba6a1 :: xor ecx , ecx ;0x004ba6a1 : 33c9 lea edx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFF6Ch ] ;0x004ba6a3 : 8d956cffffff call Fun52a2ee ;0x004ba6a9 : e840fc0600 test eax , eax ;0x004ba6ae : 85c0 jne Label57a608 ;0x004ba6b0 : 0f8552ff0b00 Label4ba6b6 :: pushd 01h ;0x004ba6b6 : 6a01 lea eax , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFF6Ch ] ;0x004ba6b8 : 8d856cffffff push eax ;0x004ba6be : 50 call Fun52a2da ;0x004ba6bf : e816fc0600 test eax , eax ;0x004ba6c4 : 85c0 je Label4bafdb ;0x004ba6c6 : 0f840f090000 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD261h ] , 00h ;0x004ba6cc : 80bd61d2ffff00 jne Label4ba730 ;0x004ba6d3 : 755b cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD262h ] , 00h ;0x004ba6d5 : 80bd62d2ffff00 jne Label57a61d ;0x004ba6dc : 0f853bff0b00 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD264h ] , 00h ;0x004ba6e2 : 80bd64d2ffff00 jne Label57a61d ;0x004ba6e9 : 0f852eff0b00 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD266h ] , 00h ;0x004ba6ef : 80bd66d2ffff00 jne Label57a61d ;0x004ba6f6 : 0f8521ff0b00 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD260h ] , 00h ;0x004ba6fc : 80bd60d2ffff00 jne Label57a61d ;0x004ba703 : 0f8514ff0b00 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD25Ah ] , 00h ;0x004ba709 : 80bd5ad2ffff00 jne Label57a61d ;0x004ba710 : 0f8507ff0b00 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD267h ] , 00h ;0x004ba716 : 80bd67d2ffff00 jne Label57a61d ;0x004ba71d : 0f85fafe0b00 cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD265h ] , 00h ;0x004ba723 : 80bd65d2ffff00 jne Label57a61d ;0x004ba72a : 0f85edfe0b00 Label4ba730 :: pushd 00h ;0x004ba730 : 6a00 lea ebx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFFE64h ] ;0x004ba732 : 8d9d64feffff call Fun4ba279 ;0x004ba738 : e83cfbffff test eax , eax ;0x004ba73d : 85c0 mov dword ptr [ edi + 20 ] , eax ;0x004ba73f : 894714 jne Label57a629 ;0x004ba742 : 0f85e1fe0b00 Label4ba748 :: test byte ptr [ edi + 33 ] , 04h ;0x004ba748 : f6472104 jne Label57a632 ;0x004ba74c : 0f85e0fe0b00 Label4ba752 :: cmp byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD263h ] , 00h ;0x004ba752 : 80bd63d2ffff00 jne Label488681 ;0x004ba759 : 0f8522dffcff mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9393ac ] ;0x004ba75f : a1ac939300 mov cl , byte ptr [eax] ;0x004ba764 : 8a08 cmp cl , 02Fh ;0x004ba766 : 80f92f je Label57a6b1 ;0x004ba769 : 0f8442ff0b00 cmp cl , 030h ;0x004ba76f : 80f930 je Label57a6b1 ;0x004ba772 : 0f8439ff0b00 Label4ba778 :: mov cl , byte ptr [eax] ;0x004ba778 : 8a08 cmp cl , 03h ;0x004ba77a : 80f903 mov eax , dword ptr [ Data9370f8 ] ;0x004ba77d : a1f8709300 je Label4ba78d ;0x004ba782 : 7409 cmp cl , 0FEh ;0x004ba784 : 80f9fe jne Label4baeea ;0x004ba787 : 0f855d070000 Label4ba78d :: mov ecx , dword ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD240h ] ;0x004ba78d : 8b8d40d2ffff xor edx , edx ;0x004ba793 : 33d2 cmp dword ptr [ ecx + 52 ] , edx ;0x004ba795 : 395134 jne Label4baeea ;0x004ba798 : 0f854c070000 cmp dword ptr [ ecx + 80 ] , edx ;0x004ba79e : 395150 jne Label4baeea ;0x004ba7a1 : 0f8543070000 mov ecx , dword ptr [eax] ;0x004ba7a7 : 8b08 cmp dword ptr [ ecx + 0DCh ] , edx ;0x004ba7a9 : 3991dc000000 mov byte ptr [ ebp + 0FFFFD25Eh ] , 01h ;0x004ba7af : c6855ed2ffff01 jne Label4baeea ;0x004ba7b6 : 0f852e070000 jmp Label4baef1 ;0x004ba7bc : e930070000 4. APPLIES TO: VFP 6.0.8167.0 VFP 6.0.8961.0 (SP5) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. IMPORTANT NOTE: In vfp9 (and vfp6, vfp7, vfp8), we can delete the destination file before run the COPY TO command, for example, IF FILE("test.tmp") DELETE FILE ("test.tmp") ENDIF COPY TO ("test.tmp") DELIMITED and then there is no the bug. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix178.asp 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |