--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG/PRB.] VFP 9.0 FIX - EVALUATE THE LABEL.CAPTION PROPERTY EXPRESSION January 2025 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCB 1. BUG: In Visual FoxPro 8.0 and later versions, it will evaluate the Label.Caption property expression, for example, THISFORM.Label1.Caption = "=DTOC(DATE())" THISFORM.Label1.Caption is equal to the current system date, but we can't set Label.Caption property to a string that begins with an equal sign ("="), for example, THISFORM.Label1.Caption = "=HELLO" THISFORM.Label1.Caption is equal to an empty string, it's wrong! In Visual FoxPro 7.0 and earlier versions, it will not evaluate the Label.Caption property expression, for example, THISFORM.Label1.Caption = "=HELLO" THISFORM.Label1.Caption is equal to "=HELLO", so there is no the bug in Visual FoxPro 7.0 and earlier versions. 2. CAUSE: There are some BUGs in the following code. 3. RESOLUTION: We can write some code to fix the BUG. Fun4b14cd :: ; proc near push esi ;0x004b14cd : 56 call Fun4c213b ;0x004b14ce : e8680c0100 mov ecx , dword ptr [ esp + 8 ] ;0x004b14d3 : 8b4c2408 mov byte ptr [ ecx + 96 ] , al ;0x004b14d7 : 884160 mov eax , esi ;0x004b14da : 8bc6 lea ecx , dword ptr [ eax + 1 ] ;0x004b14dc : 8d4801 Label4b14df :: mov dl , byte ptr [eax] ;0x004b14df : 8a10 inc eax ;0x004b14e1 : 40 test dl , dl ;0x004b14e2 : 84d2 jne Label4b14df ;0x004b14e4 : 75f9 sub eax , ecx ;0x004b14e6 : 2bc1 push eax ;0x004b14e8 : 50 mov eax , dword ptr [ esp + 8 ] ;0x004b14e9 : 8b442408 push esi ;0x004b14ed : 56 pushd 03Ah ;0x004b14ee : 6a3a pop ecx ;0x004b14f0 : 59 call Fun41d6a3 ;0x004b14f1 : e8adc1f6ff test esi , esi ;0x004b14f6 : 85f6 je Label4b1503 ;0x004b14f8 : 7409 ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VFP 9.0 FIX - EVALUATE THE LABEL.CAPTION PROPERTY EXPRESSION ; May 2020 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CCB ; ; Evaluate the Label.Caption property expression. ; ; 2020/5/20, by ccb ; cmp dword ptr vfpa_sys9031_data,00h je Label4b1503 cmp byte ptr [esi] , 03Dh ;0x004b14fa : 803e3d je Label5ff298 ;0x004b14fd : 0f8495dd1400 Label4b1503 :: xor eax , eax ;0x004b1503 : 33c0 inc eax ;0x004b1505 : 40 ret 08h ;0x004b1506 : c20800 4. APPLIES TO: VFP VFP (SP1) VFP VFP (SP1) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) VFP (SP2) The bug has been fixed in VFP Advanced. 5. REFERENCE WEBSITES: 1, baiyujia.com: http://www.baiyujia.com http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/f_vfp9fix116.asp 2, mzvfp.com: http://www.mzvfp.com/read.php?tid=105117 6. OTHER: For reference only, there is no guarantees. Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |