----------------------------------------------- ABOUT VFP ADVANCED January 2025 ----------------------------------------------- CCB 1. Why do we need VFP Advanced? Microsoft is a great corporation who released Visual FoxPro 9.0, but there is a bad message from the VFP team: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/visualstudio/foxpro/mt490297(v=msdn.10) There will be no VFP 10, and the VFP team will not fix the bugs in Visual FoxPro 9.0. Some friends and I have found some bugs in Visual FoxPro 9.0 and I have fixed the following bugs: 1, VFP 9.0 Fix - Report Footer 2, VFP 9.0 Fix2 - Macro Substitution 3, VFP 9.0 Fix3 - Large Procedure in the Form 4, VFP 9.0 Fix4 - Invalid RelationalExpr Expression 5, VFP 9.0 Fix5 - Invisible BreakPoint 6, VFP 9.0 Fix6 - Page Setup Dialog Box 7, VFP 9.0 Fix7 - Varbinary or Blob Data 8, VFP 9.0 Fix8 - Find or Replace Dialog Box 9, VFP 9.0 Fix9 - Replace Command Fields Count ... For the full list of fixes, please refer to: http://www.baiyujia.com/vfpdocuments/default.asp Now I am working for the VFP Advanced 64-bit version project, VFP will continue. 2. What is VFP Advanced? 1, VFP Advanced = VFP (SP2) + VFP 9.0 Fixes, it is an unofficial service package. 2, VFP Advanced supports all languages same as VFP 9.0, and there are no language resource files VFPA???.DLL, they have been merged to VFPA.EXE. 3, Now there is a VFP Advanced 32-bit Release version, and there is a VFP Advanced 64-bit Release version. 3. What is the difference between VFP Advanced and VFP 9.0? VFP Advanced is 100% compatible with VFP 9.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Items | VFP Advanced 64-bit version | VFP Advanced 32-bit version | VFP 9.0 32-bit version | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Visual C++ Runtime Library | MSVCR100.DLL (Version 10.0) | MSVCR100.DLL (Version 10.0) | MSVCR71.DLL (Version 7.1) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | VERSION() | Visual FoxPro 10.0 | Visual FoxPro 10.0 | Visual FoxPro 9.0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | OS() on Windows 10 | Windows 10.00 | Windows 10.00 | Windows 6.02 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | _SCREEN.CAPTION | Microsoft Visual FoxPro Advanced (x64) | Microsoft Visual FoxPro Advanced | Microsoft Visual FoxPro | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | LIST | DISPLAY STATUS | Processor is X64 (AMD or Intel) | Processor is Pentium | Processor is Pentium | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SYS(17) Function | X64 (AMD or Intel) | Pentium | Pentium | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SYS(1037) Function | Printer and Properties buttons | Printer and Properties buttons | No Printer button | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | _WIN64 System Variable | .T. | .F. | N/A | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | RIP-relative Addressing | Supports RIP-relative Addressing | N/A | N/A | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Large Files | Supports Large Files | Supports Large Files | N/A | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Large Memory | Supports Large Memory | Supports Large Memory | N/A | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. About the price:VFP Advanced 10.0 32-bit version: FREE. VFP Advanced 10.0 64-bit version: FREE. VFP Advanced 10.0 Subscription: USD100 per year, for E-mail notification and VFP Advanced support services. VFP Advanced 10.1 Subscription: USD150 per year, for E-mail notification and VFP Advanced support services. VFP Advanced 10.2 Subscription: USD180 per year, for E-mail notification and VFP Advanced support services. Download VFP Advanced 10.0 32-bit version: http://www.baiyujia.com/f_downloadproc_vfpa32.asp Download VFP Advanced 10.0 64-bit version: http://www.baiyujia.com/f_downloadproc_vfpa64.asp Please input ok to start downloading files. Donate to the VFP Advanced project: 5. Other questions: Any questions or suggestions, please send me an email at ccb2000@163.com. |